what did i expect?

11 1 2

Nakyra pov
I ran through all these classes and reliazed a boy abot 5'4 with fire red hair and orange freckles was in two of my classes.When everyone got up from there seats i didnt know what was going on until a small girl with brown hair said "come on its lunch time".She seemed nice so i followed her to the back of the line.When we got to the cafeteria i got into the lunch line and got lunch very quickly.I searched for a spot to sit and decided to sit by the ginger kid.I instantly reliazed a really short boy with blonde hair was talking to him.The girl next to me said "dont mind them there just annoying""im lorelie"-she said "im nakyra nice to meet you"-i said....
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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