Chapter Ten

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Gia's POV

"Hi im Taylor, Joey's mentioned you." Taylor said shaking my hand.

"Oh cool I'm Gia." I smiled.

"So why don't we hang out or something?" Joey suggested.

Me and Taylor nodded and it was settled.

We were gonna go to the pool with some more friends later that night.

I invited three people;

  Zach Clayton

Ariel Martin

Mario Selman

Joey invited Charles and Taylor and Jorydn (Jones)




     We all met up at my house and the boys went in one room and the girls went in the other.

"Okay guys let's change into our bathing suits." I insisted as we all grabbed our individual ones.



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    "We look SMOKING!" Jordyn said

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"We look SMOKING!" Jordyn said.

"We look pretty sexy if I do say so myself." I said laughing.

"So... how about we talk about CRUSHES." Ariel said out of no where.

"Well I'm... uh... I kinda have a crush on Taylor." Jordyn said shyly blushing.

"OH MY GOSH!" I Fangirled.

"How about you Ariel." Me and Jordyn said
at the same time.

Ariel squirmed and gave in,

"I still like Zach."

"I KNEW IT!" I screamed.

"Keep it down.. he probably doesn't like me." Ariel said sadly.

"Um he talks about you all the time, of course he does!" Jordyn said.

Ariel smiled.

"Well let's go to the pool!" I yelled.




We were swimming in the and I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

I turned around and saw Joey and smiled.

"You know sometimes I wish we didn't have to meet this way." Joey said.

"Yeah me too." I replied.

"At least we met." I smiled.

"Yeah.." Joey said softly.

He pressed his lips against mine and it honestly felt like time stopped.

I loved every second of it.



"It's cold dude!" I screamed.

"Here." Joey laughed handing me a towel.

"Thanks baby." I smiled.

"Ew love." Mario said.

"Shut up." I chuckled.



Joey's POV

Today was a lot of fun,

I wish me and Gia's relationship was just real.

I posted a picture on Instagram from earlier.

@ itsjoeybirlem: bby

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@ itsjoeybirlem: bby

Paid Romance ; Joey BirlemDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora