Promotions And Other Surprises

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I think I've figured out the point of attending parties now, and here it is: To completely total a house and leave without any remorse of demolishing someone's home. And as fun as it sounds when your the one doing it, it's not the slightest bit funny when you have clean-up duty.

My dad was currently plastering the whole in the wall that occurred at around 11:30 last night. John Ladde thought it was a good idea to play hockey in the house. The hockey puck lodged in wall so the whole isn't that big. I didn't think to much of the situation. It was just a wild night is all. Dad on the other hand doesn't think so. Dad has never really been a fan John. Last year after Graduation, he got stoned and ended up telling my dad how much he loves him. Now every time John sees my dad, just to push his buttons, he refers to him as 'Babe'. My dad always tries avoid him when he comes around because it makes him feel uncomfortable.

I go through the house collecting all the trash. It's really disgusting if you ask me. I found a red party cup with vomit filled half way up in our living room inside of the spider plant. I almost filled it the rest way just from the smell. I drop it in the garbage bag I'm holding and continue on.

About an hour later I've gathered four bags of trash and placed them down by the front step to be taken out. Either I'll do it when I'm finished making breakfast or dad will on his way out for work.

I begin gathering the ingredients to make breakfast. Since Xander stayed the night and dad will be joining, I make a big meal.

I take the carton of eggs out of the fridge, getting eight large eggs from the container. That's three for dad and Xander and two for me. I then proceed to take a package of bacon out. Then the milk. Then I walk over to the cabinet and pull out the flour for my famous cinnamon swirl pancakes. Time to start cooking!

Before I can make the batter for my pancakes, I hear steps coming from the stairs. I look over and see it's Dad with Xander on his heals.

Since Dad works as a lawyer, he wears a suit. It's the one I got hi for Christmas. It has a pair of navy blue dress pants, a white button up and a matching blazer. He decided to wear his pair a blue sued shoes. Yeah, I didn't get those for him. My mom did actually. There like the only pair he ever wore since she died.

Xander comes down in his night clothes. He had his favorite star wars pajama bottoms on and a batman t-shirt. He's a nerd-a hot but a nerd. Mentally he's a nerd because he's like superman when it comes to school. He got valedictorian. Looking at his appearance though you'd never guess. He has these amazing blue eyes that sparkle like tropical waters. He wears glasses but only when he's at my house or his, not in public. His body is slim but muscular. His skin is toned and actionably tanned. He's got like this innocent look to him though-like a nerd.

After I discovered him in my room last night we stayed up there and he decided to crash here. He's spent the night so many times that I cleared some space in my closet for some of his things. Now he has like a whole wardrobe up there-including night clothes.

"Good morning," they say in unison.

"It's hardly morning, I mean its 12:30" I say matter-of-factly.

"Then good afternoon" Dad says, planting a wet kiss on my forehead.

"Ew Dad!" I groan. "Stop distracting me and take a seat so I can make breakfast."

He winks and picks up a cup of coffee I made for him a while ago. As I begin to pour the batter into the pan, Xander speaks up.

"Something smells great!" he exclaims.

"Well thanks it's my secret recipe. It's delicious" I say.

"I'll be the judge of that" he smirks.

He's had my food before he's just being a smart ass. 

"Hey Sam, you need this trash taken out?"

"It's okay Xander you don't-" Dad starts before I cut him off.

"Oh come one Dad. Xander is part of the family. Family does house chores. And we all know how this goes anyway. You say 'It's okay Xander, don't take out the trash, ill do it', then he says 'It's okay Double A' then you say 'You sure?' then he says nothing and takes out the trash and you say 'Ah such a good kid' and continue slurping your coffee" I say with a bored expression.

"Well then Miss know it all" He smirks.

By the time Xander comes back in breakfast is done. He starts to set the tables while I grab the orange juice. Once we're all seated and eating Dad speaks.

"So, I have some very important news for you guys," he begins. "Yesterday my boss Robert talked to me about a promotion-"

"Oh my gosh Dad that's awesome!"

"Totally Double A!" Xander yells.

"Guys I haven't finished," Dad says. His voice is low and his facial expression is serious. "I have a chance at becoming a Federal Lawyer. The only problem is it's in Chicago." I can feel my chest tighten. Chicago? Why Chica-

My thoughts are cut off by a phone ringing-the house phone. Xander walks over and answers it.

"Hello?" It's turn to look at him. His nostrils are flared and his ears are red. That only happens when he's mad. His chest is rising and falling rapidly. He starts to say something but instead holds the phone out to me. "It's Liam"

At that moment I swear my heart came to a complete stop.


Oooh snap! A cliff hanger.

Who's Liam?

Is her Dad gonna take the job in Chicago?

Did Xander like the secret recipe!?!?


 On the side is a picture of Xanders character played by Logan Lerman


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