Youtube channels almost there/My vocaloids notice!

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So has you might have knew, I've started a YouTube channel but nothing posted on it...yet! 

As we all know Minx! Is being my mascot/avatar you know.

well! I've been writing, well thinking...about songs for minx!/JINX/ŁîńX and there songs should be like there actually personality and art style! For example 

Minx! Is technically Me, so she'd have to be, sweet and cheerful! With a little bit of a short temper..hehe ^-^;) 

JINX would obviously be max (it was his birthday yesterday's btw if yous wanted to know ^-^) who's pervy, kind, dark, and calm 

ŁîńX would be lola, childish,sweet and silly! 

And there not always gonna be based on there personalitys I might switch them around a bit, But I have I think 4-6 song titles for minx! 


AND a special thank you to all of yous who have supported me in my dream! I'll be sure once I get the first vid up I'll give yous a shout out! Promise! 

Hmm what else...hmmm Oh! 

I'm sorry for not updating drawings that much but for your information I'll get a drawing up very soon! It's South Park theme should have been up by Halloween but I didn't finish it in time ._. Also! I finally got a job! Yay!! It's a photography job! So yeah! I'll share some of them with you!  And

Thank you for everything! What would I do without you!! *hugs you*  


Love you heaps! And thanks for being there for me *smiles* 

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