Chapter 2 Not My Day

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Should I keep the name Jackass Ghost Boy or should I change it to something else?
Let me know in the comments.

Also please help me think of a better chapter title 😢

You got up from the bed as you rushed to do your daily morning routine before getting dressed and fixing yourself some breakfast, Your mom, dad and brother were already up while the other was still sleeping which is usual since he’s always the last to wake and is usually never in a good mood either so no one really bothers him unless to wake him up for school or until he’s fully awake and right now your dad was the one going to wake him.

You quickly munched down your breakfast before running off to the door shouting to your parents that you’ll ride your bike to school, pedaling there as fast as you could you parked your bike before heading to class.

And again you didn’t pay much attention to what the teacher was saying as you thought about heading to visiting ghost boy since you didn’t get up as early as you would have liked in order to visit him before school so all that rushing for nothing.

You glanced over to Sora as he looked bored out of his mind as well, he must have felt your staring as he looked over at you and waved slightly to which you wave back to only the teacher caught you.

“Have something you wish to say miss  (L/N)?” He stared at you awaiting your reply, which was only a shake from the head as you knew if you opened your mouth something sarcastic would only come out.

“Good then please do try to pay attention would hate for you to fall behind and embarrass yourself all because you waved to your little crush” Which was exactly what he was doing to you already.

You moved back in your seat as you felt everyone’s stares while he what back to teaching and after long minutes of feeling judging glances the class had ended and you quickly packed your things  before rushing out of the classroom only to stop when Sora’s voice called out to you.

“Hey wait” He rushed slightly towards your side. “Wanna head to class together?”  Staring into his blue eyes you found it hard to say no.

“Sure” You smiled just a tiny bit has you both walked together.

“Sorry for kinda getting you in trouble” He looked a bit sad about that.

“Don’t worry about that, it’s my fault really I should have been careful when waving back” You stuck your hands in your pockets.

“Yeah but still if I hadn’t have waved it wouldn’t have happened in the first place” 

“Then I would have gotten busted for something else trust me it happens”  Which was true you tend to get in trouble for one thing or another in class but most of it was because of asshole classmates.

“Really? Same here, most of it’s for falling asleep during class though”

“Well if they didn’t want you to fall asleep then they should make it less boring” You jokingly said.

“Yeah” He beamed a smile in agreement, you guys would have spoken more if you hadn’t arrived to your next class, heading inside you took your seats only this time your’s wasn’t next to Sora’s but to some other kid with light brown hair and matching eyes who would look over at the old building now and then clearly creep out.

Class then started and took its sweet time ending before lunch rolled around, screaming with joy mentally you made a mad dash completely forgetting your stuff as you exit the school and went to the old building instead of the cafeteria.

Jackass Ghost Boy 👻 (KH/FF)Where stories live. Discover now