파랑 (Blue)

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My first story for EXO, woooo!

So I'm really interested in colour psychology, so I was like hey, why don't I write a fic about it?
So that's what I'm doing. I'm writing a Sehun centered chaptered fic revolving around the psychology of colours.. meaning... that each chapter will be taking place at a different time in the past and focusing on one colour.

I hope you enjoy (:

P.S. I apologise if any of my Korean is wrong.. I've started learning it, but if there are any mistakes please let me know. I also put the English translation next to it, so if you don't understand Korean you don't have to keep going back and forth.


The colour blue is the colour of trust and responsibility.

I'm not one hundred percent sure how one describes the rise of a star. Having no firsthand knowledge myself, I have to rely on the second hand moments I was able to latch onto as I watched from the sidelines as a mere spectator.

I hope these counts don't discourage you from reading because it's a story worth telling, and one that I am somewhat eager to share.

In the business of idols you have two choices. Either roll with the changing times or get out. I was never given a choice as I was never an idol.

I met him when the sky was the bluest it would get that year, just before the bitter coldness of winter settled into the bones of the city. I'm not usually one to work in metaphors and beauty, but in the years I spent with him I began to see the world for what it could be if you opened your eyes just a little wider; an orb of colours that have the ability to change in an instant. I learnt that just because the brightness of the colours doesn't hang around for long, it doesn't mean they are meaningless. It just makes you appreciate each one even more.

He taught me that.

In fact he taught me a lot of things, about the world and about myself. But most importantly he taught me how to appreciate and love things for how they were, while they were, because all too soon they would be gone.

I learnt that his colours never stopped changing.

Did you know that there are only a small amount of moments in your life that you can look back on and smile and say, yes, that's the moment that changed my life?

Seems untrue right? Because we make so many choices everyday which change the course we're on, how could we possibly only have a few moments? But I'm not talking about those. I'm taking about the decisions, the big ones that flip your world upside down and make you see everything differently. The ones that at first make you terrified, being faced with the unknown, but eventually warp your way of thinking into positivity and make you so tremendously glad that you did it.

I know what mine was.

The day I met Oh Sehun.

And he was as confident and stable as the colour blue.

I hadn't been in the city long and I had confusing feelings as to what I was actually doing there. I was a foreigner who had a minimal grasp on the language and was more lost than I had ever been in my life.

Why did I think moving to a foreign country was a good idea?

Because I believed that there was more out in the world than what my town offered me. I wanted an adventure. And unknowingly to me at the time, I got it.

하늘은 그의 파란을 잃었다 - The Sky Lost His BlueWhere stories live. Discover now