노란색 (Yellow)

12 1 2

Yellow is associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.


"Y/N! Y/N!"

I looked up from the documents in front of me and saw Chanyeol waving his arm over his head as he tried to get my attention. I rolled my eyes, getting up from my chair to see what he needed me for. I bent down to look over his shoulder at the laptop screen he was gesturing at. He had the wolf mv open on his laptop and was marvelling in the fact that so many people had watched it in such a short amount of time. I watched his face, his tan complexion lighting up with the bright smile that stretched across his face.

His joy was purely infectious, and I felt unabashed joy in that minute that I hoped it wouldn't stop. All the hard work they had put into everything they did was paying off and I felt overjoyed to be with them for it.

I looked up as someone came to sit with us, my eyes connected with Sehun's as he greeted me with a small smile.

"안녕하세요." (Hello.)

"Sehun, have you seen this?" Chanyeol interjected, causing Sehun and I to break eye contact and look at him. He grinned, as he points at the screen.

Sehun looked down at his friend and shook his head before Chanyeol started off on a whole rant about how big they're going to be and that this is only the start for them. Sehun smiled because he was excited and I watched the two of them, just thankful that I could be sitting in the same room.


Their schedule was packed.

We were all shuffled between South Korea and Hong Kong as the boys promoted their music and new appearance. Cameras flashed everywhere they went, their silhouettes stood out against the bright lights as they made their way from city to city, each with a sea of fans waiting for their arrival.

I watched them from the sidelines, my tired eyes lit up as I watched the boys I had come to know well live their dreams. I got to see the rise of stars, and I would not have traded that for a good night's rest or a home cooked meal. I was with them; I didn't need to be anywhere else.


I'd caught his eye at one fan meeting. My eyes had drifted up from my phone as I doubled checked the schedule for the third time in five minutes, we had to be wrapping this up soon if we were to remain on time. My eyes had scanned the table before they came to land on Sehun who was staring at the girl in front of him like she was the only person in the world.

I never admitted it to him, nor did I ever feel the need, but the jealously that rose within me as I looked at the two of them had me shooting daggers at the side of his head. It was ridiculous, and I knew that. Sehun was not mine and yet I felt that I had some sort of claim to him, though he never gave me any reason prior to make me believe that I did.

Our eyes met when she moved onto Jongin, who sat beside him and Sehun looked over my way. His eyebrows knitted together as if he didn't understand the expression on my face. I blinked quickly, relaxing my face as he gave me a small smile. Against my better judgment I returned it, feeling my cheeks heat up with a blush that I hoped wasn't noticeable from the distance, before he turned back to the next girl in line.

Out of his gaze I scolded myself for acting like a teenager, butterflies flying in my stomach as I tried to shake the way he had looked at me, lazily almost but no less beautiful, from my mind. I swallowed thickly as I checked my phone again, admitting to myself quietly that I was unfortunately and inappropriately a little bit in love.

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