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Hey we're back!

Masky, BEN, Dark, Red and Silver- Can I please join your vocaloid fanclub please?? We could cosplay and stuff, if that's ok O//////O P.S I really like Gumi :3

Masky: Sure

BEN: Yeah, totally!

Dark: Okay? Gumi's hot I guess.

Red: Haha, yeah! I like Akaito since he's all red.

Masky: He's not even a real vocaloid!

Red: So???

Silver: Yeah...I lik-

Dark: You have to pick a real vocaloid! One with concerts and crap!

Silver: O-Oh well I li-

Masky: Yeah! A REAL one.

Red: I don't have to!

Silver: U-Um.... I-

BEN: Yeah you do!

Dark: Like my favorite is Gakupo.

Red: Why him?

Dark: I like purple?

Masky: That makes sense.

Silver: What about m-

Red: So next question?

Dark: I think.

BEN: I feel like I'm forgetting something.

Masky: Same here.

Silver: IT'S ME!!!! 

Masky, BEN, Red and Dark: O_O....

Silver: O-of course you can join and my favorite is Yuma, Miku, the Kagamines, and Mikuo...

Red: Uh...Next question...

Dark Link and BEN- Why you two fight? and I like both of you and can I play video games with BEN and can Dark Link teach me how to fight.. That's what I meant ok... Ya...um birthday XD

All the creepypastas wish you a happy birthday!

Dark: hmmph. Fine I guess I'll show you. *shrugs*

BEN: *sigh* Okay.. I'll play video games with you, too!

Dark: *mumbles* So she wants to do me...


Dark: You first, creep!

BEN: OKAY YOU WANNA KNOW WHY WE FIGHT!? Cause we hate eachother!

Dark: No shit, sherlock!

BEN: You always think you're better!

Dark: Cause I am!

BEN: You're just an as-

Slenderman: NEXT QUESTION!!!!

Laughing Jack- What would you do if you found the last golden ticket to Willy Wonka's factory?

Smiley: HA! I'd love to see your reaction, L.J!

L.J: Well...I'd definitely be happy and once I got there I would probably kill everyone and force the little troll things to make a lifelong supply of candy for me for the rest of their lives.


Sonic: Damn.

Hoody: W-wow...

Silver: U-uh....

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