So Puppy_Steeljaw tagged anyone who read their tag, so once again, it is time to answer questions you all probably don't care about!!
Do you have a crush? yes
Do they like you back?
Are you single or taken? forever alone
Last song you listened to? RIP 2 My Youth by The Neighborhood
Last person you texted? My idiot friend Roger
Middle name? Ann
Your friends? KeseanWiliams is the only one with an account on here
Your favorite OTPs? Megatron x Starscream (duh) Thunderhoof x Steeljaw (you don't have to say anything, I know I'm trash.) and probably Grimlock x Bumblebee (because RID 2k15 has ruined me.)
Your birthday? May 20th
What is your home screen? for my laptop it's really good fanart for TFp, and for my IPod it's Megastar, because incase you couldn't tell, I'm Megastar trash.
As for paying the tag forward, I will have mercy and call out only two.
SG_optimus_prime and KeseanWiliams dad, Daniel, pay the tag forward.
Random 2: Electric Bungalow
AcakSecond book in what I guess is a series now...most of this comes from the internet, I won't tell you where, because some times you just don't NEED to know where to find the weird parts of the internet. Anyway, fasten your seat belts and brace for im...