Chapter 1

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Lydia pov.

Today is the day I meet One Direction because I am their new bodyguard. Yah!! I guess but what is One direction like I mean I'm not a big directioner I like their music but nothing else I'm to busy to be dating even if my mom begs me to get a boyfriend I will not.

So I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and to get dressed. When I come out of the bathroom I was dressed in a white shirt and a black leather jacket and a black skinny jeans and a pair of white converses and i was ready to go, so I looked at the clock and it was 6:45 " Shoot I am going to be late" I said to myself and I ran downstairs and grabbed a banana and ran out the door.

I got in the car and turned on radio and drove to the studio. When I got there, there was at least 200 girls screaming their heads off and shouting stuff like ' I love you Harry' ' I ship Larry' ' Oh My God!! Niall I love you' "Are you Lydia? " A tall big guy with blonde hair asked " Yes I am Lydia" I said " Follow me" He said and walk inside " Paul she's here" The Guy shouted " Oh, and by the way I'm Jason" He said and walked away when another guy walked in " I am Paul, One direction's main bodyguard" The other guy said " Oh, I am Lydia" I smiled " Ok then... Come with me Lydia lets go meet the lads" Paul said and walked down the hallway " Ok" I said and followed again

Simon pov.

" Alright lads, so I got you guys a new bodyguard " I said " But what's wrong with Paul?" Louis asked" Nothing is wrong with him, he just asked me find another bodyguard to help him and be your guys other main bodyguard" I said " Oh ok" Niall said " Ok, so the bodyguard should be here any minute now" I said as the door come flying open "Hey Paul" The lads said " Hi lads, Simon she's here" Paul said and stepped aside so she come in full view

" Hello Lydia" I said and put my hand out for her shake it " Hi" She waved and toke my head and shakes it " Ok, so Lydia this is One Direction " I said " Hi um.... what are your guys names?" Lydia asked " Oh, I'm Liam, that is Zayn, Harry, Louis and Niall" Liam said " Ok and who is Larry?" She asked and all the lads started to laugh like a mad person " Um... did I something thing funny?" She asked " Oh no, you didn't Larry is Harry and Louis ship name" I explained to her " Oh ok" Lydia finally catching on

" Ok so Lads Lydia is your new bodyguard" I said

" What?!?!?" The lads stopped laughing " Why what's wrong with me?" Lydia asked " Nothing is wrong with you but you are a girl and girls are not suppose to protect boys. Boys are suppose to protect girls not the other way around" Zayn said " Oh I see so because I'm a girl you don't think I can protect you, Well you know what I'm a well respect woman and a black belt in BJJ , Also I'm seal for the U.S Navy so I think I can protect you no matter what. YOU HEAR ME!!" Lydia said " Ma'ma Yes Ma'ma" The lads said " Good" Lydia said

" Ok, lads time to get some recording done" I said and got up out of my chair a headed to the door with all the lads and Lydia, and Paul " ok" the Lads said.

Lydia pov.

After recording for 5 hours.....

" I am hungry" Niall said as we walked out of the building "Niall your always hungry" Harry said " So Lydia what you said back there is it true that you are a black belt in BJJ and a U.S Navy seal?" Liam asked when he caught up with me " Yes, every single word is true" I said " Oh so cool!!" Liam said. We got to in a black van and Paul turned on the radio and got the highway " Let's play a game called ' Get to know each other'!!" Louis said I swear he is a 5 year old boy trapped in a 22 year olds body like no joke " Um...Ok" I said

" Ok I go first, So Lydia whats your full name?" Harry asked " Lydia James Rose" I said " Cool, Um... Lydia how old are you?" Zayn asked " I am 20" I said " Your young to be a U.S Navy Seal" Liam said " I know and I proud of it" I said "We are here" Paul said for the front of the car " Nandos!!" Niall screamed like the girl from these morning.

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