Chapter 3

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Liam pov.

I like Lydia. She's nice, caring and really friendly. And I think the lads like her too but I think Harry likes her too much if you know what I mean.
"Hey lads what do you think of Lydia?" I asked "Um....nice" Zayn said and never looked up from his phone. "Cute" Louis answered "Funny" Niall said and stuffed food in his mouth "Sexy, hot, fit what else do I need to say" Harry smirked. But for some reason I got all angry and jealous. Wait can I be falling for Lydia.......Hahaha no way never in a million years...... then again she is cute when she smiles.... what I'm saying?!?!?!

Lydia pov.

After dropping the boys off at their house or flat whatever you call it. Paul dropping me off at my place again. " Thank Paul" I waved to him and went to the front door but stopped when I say a note taped to the front door:

Watch your back there is no way I'm letting you steal the boys for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"O.........k" I said and walked inside. I set my bag down and flopped down on the couch. I grabbed the remote and flipped though channels in till I got to MTV. What don't judge me ok plus I'm still young ok don't make me feel older then I really am. Nothing good was on TV so I got and toke a shower.

About 30 mins later

I got out of the shower and dried off. I put on a pair of sweat pants and a over sized shirt. "Gosh it's late time to go to bed" I laughed at myself and climbed in to bed. I pulled the blankets up to my chin and rolled over. I looked at the wall in till my eyelids got heavier and begin to let sleep take over me.

In the Morning!!!:)

I woke up to my alarm clock going off. So I did what they do in the movies to shut up the alarm clocks. I smacked the alarm clock in till in fell on the ground " There we good now it's quiet" I said popped out of bed rubbing my eyes. I walked to the closet and grabbed a neon green shirt that said 'pinch me and I punch you' in black writing and I grabbed my black skinners and ankle boots.
The door bell rang. I ran down the stairs still trying to tie my boot and answer the door. "Hi, are you Lydia?" A UPS guy asked "Yes why?" I finished tiring my boots "Please sign here please" The man pointed "O....k" I slowly wrote my room and shut my front door. I set the package in the table and looked at the clock. "crap I'am going to be late" I said grabbed my coat and bag and ran to the car. I jumped in the car and drove off to the boy's interview.

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