Aria Scott travels to California not expecting to find love, but boy does she find it. And boy is it Sweet.
[A Wattpad ChickLit]
... Highest Ranking #262 in ChickLit
We finish our bulky meals in less than ten minutes, or at least, I do.
Chris is the first to notice my practically empty dish. "Folks, we have a keeper." he beams in between bites, burger grease dripping down his chin. He proudly pats my shoulder as I use my napkin to wipe the corners of my mouth.
Kaiden is the next to muse. "Woah. I didn't take you for the hungry type."
I roll my eyes, a playful smile still evident on my lips. "I'm not. Well not usually anyway. I skipped breakfast this morning, that's why."
Chris rubs away the oil running down his face. "Tsk tsk. Skipping breakfast, huh? Haven't your parents ever told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?"
"No, actually. Blame them for the nasty habit. I guess I just inherited it." I crumple the tissue in my hand and throw it onto my plate, smiling. Then something suddenly clicks in my brain. It just occurs to me that my dad has no idea where I am. Or where I've been for the last couple of hours. I have to go back. "Speaking of parents. My dad has absolutely no clue I'm here, I should probably head home now." I automatically shuffle my way out of the cramped booth. I stuff my hand into my pocket and pull out a 20 dollar bill, placing it on the centre of the table, right on top of the menu's.
Kaiden frowns, sliding the bill back into my hand. "It's on me remember?"
I return the money into my pocket, nodding. "Thanks, for the meal and everything, it was really nice meeting you both."
His warm smile returns and so does his left dimple. "You too. I'll be seeing you around, right?"
I nod. It finally dawns on me that it's best that I make friendships in California for the time being. It's pretty clear that I'm not leaving anytime soon. "Definitely."
I turn to leave after once again saying my goodbye's to the both of them, but a hand on my shoulder stops me in my tracks. "Sorry again for earlier today when I hit you with my football." Kaiden says, watching me under a meaningful gaze. I totally forgot about that incident, despite it being the only reason as for why he was so determined to buy me lunch. To repay me in a sense. He let's his hand fall back to his side. "You aren't bruised or anything right?"
My skin tingles where he had just been touching me. Why, I don't even know myself. Maybe it's our sudden proximity or the fact that he is a boy and my hormone's love to kick in at the worst times. Still, I shake away the unwanted feeling. "No bruises. I'm fine, really. Apology accepted." I feel my cheeks blush a light shade of pink. I internally curse myself for cracking under his stare.
A flicker of amusement glows in his cobalt blue eye's. "Alright, catch you later then."
I nod for what seems like the hundredth time today. "Yeah, later." Then I'm walking away from him and Chris and heading towards the exit.
I reach the house in approximately five minutes. As I slowly open the front door I prepare myself to be bombarded with questions.
"Aria!" I cringe hearing Linda call out my name and shudder even harder when she rushes to the foyer to greet me. "Where have you been! You had us all worried sick! Your dad left ten minutes ago to go looking you!" she dial's a series of number's into the phone curled in her palm. Probably to alert my father of my arrival.
"Why? I was only gone for like two hours. I'm not a little baby you know, I can handle myself." I shoulder my way around her thin frame and tromp towards the staircase. I don't need to look at her to know that her whole face deflated at my rough words.
"We thought something had happened to you Aria. We got scared." her voice sounds small and pathetic and I'm surprised she's not boiling in hot tears.
"Scared of what? I was at the beach. No big issue there." I begin up the stairwell but pause when I hear her speak again.
"But you should have told us, we had no clue. We thought you ran off and got yourself into trouble or something even worse."
I roll my eyes, digging my nails into the wooden railing. "Of course you thought that, the both of you think so highly of me." Sarcasm clearly visible in my voice. I finally turn around to glare at Linda. Her shoulder's hang low in defeat.
After a few moments of icy silence she presses her phone to her ear. I watch as she whispers softly to the person on the other line, ignoring the fact I'm still here.
She cuts the line after a couple more brief mutters then gazes back up to me. "Your father will be here soon. I suggest you get yourself ready. The two of us have something to tell you."
A sharp chill runs down my spine the same way it would on a cold winter day. Her few words hover over me like an icy flurry. What more news can they possibly have?
I march into my room and before kicking off my sandals, I fall back onto the bed. Sinking into the soft mattress, I let out a muffled groan. I left earlier today to clear my mind and to let off some steam, yet I'm back to where I started. I'm back to feeling angry and confused. I'd wish anything to be back home in Michigan, with my mom and Roni. To spend my summer like every other one I've had. Not like this, where I need a distraction from going completely insane.
Sighing, I shut my eyes and drag a hand across my face. Despite it being early in the afternoon, I stay in this position until sleep finally claims me.
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"Now, Aria. There's something we've been wanting to discuss with you."
I don't bother in trying to conceal the scowl frozen on my lips. I know whatever is coming I won't like one bit.
I roll my eye's when Linda laces her thin arm with my father's. Does she really have to be so clingy whenever I'm around?
My dad clears his throat, looking everywhere but at me. "We were actually planning on telling you this yesterday but we just never got around to it." he's uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. His expression says it all. He glances at Linda for moral support, who of course offers him an encouraging smile. "As you already know, Linda and I are getting married. We've been together for many years now—seven whole years actually, and we've finally decided to tie the knot. I didn't want to rush things because I wanted to make sure she was the right one. And she is. I truly love her."
I hate that he feels the need to go into detail. I don't care. I have zero interest whatsoever.
"Now, I know this is a lot for you to take in. You probably much rather be home in Michigan with your mom."
"But, I'm tired of not being the proper father figure in your life. I want things to change between us." he reaches out towards my hand but I quickly tuck it underneath the kitchen table. He proceeds talking, regardless of the fact that I clearly just rejected his desperate form of comfort. I zone out every single word floating from his lips. I wish he would just stop. Stop trying to patch things between us. Stop trying to offer me fake reassurance. Just stop. Stop everything.
He releases a long breath just as I zone back into our downward conversation. "Linda is pregnant, you're going to be a big sister."