Chapter 1

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First, they damned us. But even after we survived, they told us we weren't human anymore. It's been four years since the vault doors reopened and all the humans stepped out. Then, everything returned to normal... for them at least.

Many did not survive due to the radioactivity. The ones that did survive, they called the Semianimem, and there is a reason they hate us.

I broke out of my trance and glanced up at the board, which the teacher scribbled nonsense onto. The teacher called on my friend Kat, who was a human. "The answer is eighty-three." she replied confidently.

She continued talking about different stuff that I had no clue about. I was pretty sure none of the Semianimem knew what she was saying, besides of course, Amber. Even though the teachers refused to help the Semianimem, she somehow understood everything. It was a skill I wished I had.

The bell rang and we sprang out of our seats. I rushed through the hallway, keeping my head down. The only physical difference between Semianimems and humans, is our brightly coloured eyes. Mine were a bright sky blue, that resembled a husky's. Unfortunately, everyone knew who I was, by my distinct style of dress. Everyday, I wore oversized clothes that were handed down from my older family members. Ever since the reopening of the vault, I hadn't gotten any new clothes. Because the cost of everything had skyrocketed, and because of what I was. Which made no sense to me. They only could afford most of the family to go in the vault. I, being the youngest, sacrificed myself. After the teary exchange, I was locked out, and was forced to wander the streets alone, with the occasional corpse to keep me company. There were other people, however they were hard to come by.

I was suddenly flung sideways, my books went flying all over the hallway. I looked up to see Vince and his gang standing over me . "Why do you look so down?" he taunted.

He began to throw punches and I curled up against the wall. I knew I couldn't fight back. Or I'd go to the detention chamber -or worse- to a camp. The bell rang and he scrambled to his next class. Once he was gone, I did too.

The teacher didn't bother to pay mind to me as I walked in. I sat in the back of the classroom and listened in. Inevitably, I tuned out. As you can imagine, I didn't have the highest GPA. As I was daydreaming about the good old days when we used to stay up all night letting the heat radiate from the fire, I saw a staredown between the teacher and Amber. The entirety of the class was silent. "Shut your trap!" she yelled.

Amber sunk down in her seat. "Detention."

The class was still. The teacher grabbed Amber by her hair and pulled her out the door, the rest of us followed. The door to the detention chamber slammed shut. The humans roared and pounded their fists against the flawless transparent glass. We Semianimem stayed silent. Most of my friends stood as still as they could while getting jostled around by others. Amber pounded against the glass from the other side. She screamed, but the excited battle cries of the humans overpowered her. She was brave. I've seen Semianimem go into there and hold their breath until they died. But she stood her ground.

The principal walked in holding a jagged knife with rust -no... blood- stains on it. I locked eyes with Amber. The principal came closer. Everyone grew silent. She was one of the lucky ones. Because talking was just a minor violation, she only had to get a toe cut off. Most Semianimem, got whole arms... and even their heads taken away.

I turned around and she screamed. It had happened. The humans erupted in cheers.

After school, I walked home as usual. My parents did not like being seen with me. Amber walked up to me. "Hi." she greeted.

With every step she winced. "Hi." I replied.

She grabbed my hand to stop me. "Anastasia." she started, "That was my third transgression."

My breathing halted, then became manual. "There is no such thing as the Northmen." I recited.

The tales of the Northmen, or Northmanni has been around since the vault reopened, followed by the rumor that after three transgressions, the Semianimem disappeared and was placed in a rehabilitation camp. Humans say they don't exist. But then why do Semianimem disappear? Amber squeezed my hand. "I really do hope so." she uttered.

She let go of my hand and we each went our separate ways  

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