Chapter 3

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   Tears fell from my eyes as I stared at the metal wall. I shivered upon the cold, hard, concrete floor. They did it again! Again! Oh, how I wish for the sweet release of death to come upon me. These foul creatures tested again. They say we're the villians? That we don't feel? I wish they would remember who volunteered to die to save the rest of their weak race. I wish they could see the hardships all of us, children, had to endure... Watching our parents suffer, our neighbors die. Watching the life drain out of our classmate's eyes. Standing by, helplessly, as everyone we've ever loved, painfully passes on. I punched the wall, hard, my knuckles bleeding. I wish they weren't so ignorant. Why are we, the people who were supposed to die maryters, tortured. Why do they hate us? Why can't they realise that the only monster that was created by the war... Is them. Why do they want us dead? I want to kill them... Every last one of them. "Don't you see? Your ignorance is why I kill. You asked for this" I cried aloud.

   The speaker made a strange noise, the one I knew as my cue to get against a wall. I obeyed, scowling, as they carried in a limp body. It was a girl about my age. They dropped her onto the concrete floor and hustled out of the room. I went closer to investigate.

   Her perfectly straight blond hair was spread on the floor around her head. Her eyes were wide open, despite the fact that she was asleep, so I could see her blue eyes. Her eyes had depth. Unlike most semianimem, who's eyes are glazed over, without hope. That would be over with soon enough. Even if she were to live a few days longer, she'd eventually loose her hope. They all do. Besides me, for I never had any in the first place. Instead, I have rage.

   I knelt at her side. Her face was angelic. Her hair, her eyes...  perfect. If only we could've met under different circumstances. I sobbed and laid my head on her stomach. "I'm sorry!" I cried, "I'm so sorry that they did this to you." I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. "So I hope you can forgive me for what I must do to you."

   I got over her and grabbed a loose piece of concrete. Then, I thrust it into her stomach, tears falling from my eyes. I laid down on the ground. "They'll never break you." I whispered in her ear. "I won't let them!"

   And with that, I cried into her soft hair, cuddling up to her warm body. It would soon be cold, but for now... It's the only warm thing I've been near for years.

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