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     The boy ran into the wood, and through. His mind was swimming with the thoughts of the boy he had just met.
     Henry, after he witnessed Cinder disappear from the courtyard of shoppes, walked out into the open. He saw an extensive carriage on the far other end of the court, with his father's kingdom's flag on the side, alongside the horses. Henry made his way across the yard, trying not to draw attention to himself. Most townspeople knew what he looked like, and it was a pleasant surprise him when Cinder hadn't immediately recognized him.
     Maybe he doesn't know me? But, why wouldn't he know me?
     He had managed to convince his father to allow him to make this infamous ball a masquerade for all. Though this was meant to find him a wife, he didn't want to be bombarded all night long. He wanted to find her on his own accord.
     He eventually made his way to the carriage and slipped into the back. The coachman, Albert, turned to look at him from the front. Albert sighed, and turned back to the front.
     "You know your father doesn't like it when you go out in townsfolk clothing." Albert chided, not taking his eyes off the gravel path. Henry sighed. "I'm my own man, Albert. I have to make my own decisions if I am meant to rule this kingdom one day."
     Albert sighed. "I know. But, he doesn't wish-"
     "I don't really care what he wishes, Albert. I need to make my own decisions." Albert sighed, used to the arguments the two would regularly have. "Okay then, Prince."
     Henry sighed. "Please, Albert. Don't call me Prince."

     Henry walked into the doors of his Father's palace, and was immediately bombarded by the staff. His hair dresser, William was fixing up his hair, and complaining, saying it was, "To touched up. Needs to be more like a Prince and less like a townsfolk", though Henry liked it the way it was. His tailor, George, was ripping off his towns work clothing, and slipping on his royal clothing.
     All this was happening while he was reporting to his parents' room for a meeting.
     Finally he lost George and William, making his way in peace. When he entered his parents' room, both his Mother and Father looked up. His mother made her way over to him, before enveloping him in a hug. Henry sighed, before hugging her back.
     "My dear, dear Henry," His Mother said, looking at him. "Where have you been?"
     Henry has never told his parents were he goes when he's not at the palace, and never will. He knew they would immediately ban him, and he didn't wish to be stuck here all the time.
     "Nowhere of importance mother," he started. "Now, why did you call me here?"
     His Mother smiled, and pulled him over to a paper she had laid out on the table. On it was a large layout of the ball. They would clear out the entire ball-room area, and refurnish the floor, ceiling, and walls. He didn't understand why they would redo the floor or ceiling, saying as the floor would immediately get dirty again and nobody paid attention to the ceiling.
     "This will be the ballroom," His mother said before turning to him. "What do you think?"
     "I don't see a difference, to be honest." Henry said. His mother gasped, and turned to his Father.
     "Do you hear our son, Joseph?" She said, causing her husband to look up. Joseph was caught off guard, and said the first thing that popped into his head. "Yes, darling Rose, I hear our son."
     "Well?" She continued. Henry sighed, before beginning to walk out of the room.
     "Henry!" His Mother yelled at him. Henry sighed, before turning around and putting a smile on his face. "Yes, Mother?"
     "Were are you going?"
     "Uhh..." Henry started, trying to grasp at something in his mind to say. "I was, uh, going out?"
     "No you aren't, young man." Henry was confused. "What do you mean, Mother?"
     "You must go get a fitting for your suit and mask for tomorrow." His mother whispered the 'mask' part. She turned to her husband. "I still hate this whole 'masquerade' idea."
     Joseph sighed, and got up, walking over to his wife. "As long as he finds a wife, I don't care how he does it."
     Henry flinched at the word wife. Henry, though it was pounded into his head he would get married to a woman, was always a Mary. He didn't agree with his Father's kingdom's thoughts about people like him. With women it was okay, and that was great! But, with men.... It wasn't as accepted. In fact, with men, it was still illegal.
     Though his parents weren't against these thoughts, the townspeople where.
     His mother gave him a look, and he realized he had tuned them out. He sighed, before giving his mother an apologetic smile. "Sorry Mother. I wasn't paying attention."
     His mother groaned, and looked to her husband. "Why did we have to sire him?"
     Henry sighed, before walking out of the room, not caring if his parents followed or not.
     He had work to do before tomorrow. A lot of work.

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