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Please do not read if you are sensitive to this kind of stuff

[Reader's Discretion] 

The red lines on her arms were covered by a piece of cloth. She was embarrassed of those scars. No one thought she was capable of doing that to herself, but then again no one really knew her. The red lines on her arm are parallel to on another... perfectly in line; unlike herself. The razor used to drag across her arm, drained not only the blood from her body, but also the pain that substituted for the numbness that she was enduring. The red lines are now mere scars of the painful and the painless past... It was behind her. Although the redness is gone, the reminder of the draining pain remains on her arm... right now and forever.

Hey guys Tanner here: 

I have an important message for people to read. Life is stressful, trust me, I know. I have not done self-harm myself, but then again, people all around me have committed self harm. I am just super sensitive about people that are close to me seriously contemplating suicide... If you are ever in need of someone to talk to, don't worry there is always someone to talk to. I apologize if anything I write about offends you... but just so you guys know the suicide hotline number is 1-800-273-8255

Thank you guys; keep reading



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