Chapter 30

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>Luke's POV<

We set off down the side of the road. Sarah is between Ashton and I, her facial expression grim. Can't say I blame her; we have a tight scedule, and things on tour can be really messed up if we don't stick to it.

"So, what's the worst that can happen if your tour scedule's ruined?" She asks.

"We might miss some interviews, and, worst of all, we might have to cancel a show or two." I say.

"We hate disappointing our fans," says Ashton, "Okay, this way."

We take a left. The asphalt road turns to a bumpy gravel one. I see no houses or buildings anywhere, which makes me think that we are quite litterally in tge middle of nowhere.

"Are we going the right way?" I ask.

"Yes." Ashton looks around as he walks. "At least, I think so."

"Don't you get us lost, Irwin." Sarah gives Ash a fake glare. "I might have to eat you if we get stranded here with no food."

"Maybe I wouldn't mind." He jokes, and Sarah turns red.

I clench my jaw and forced a smile. "Oh, get a room, you two. Your abnoxious flirting is killing me."

In truth, I don't feel like joking. I do feel like maybe hanging Ashton from the ceiling by his ankles, but that's different.

Me? Jeleous? Nah.

"Shut up, Luke." Sarah mutters, swatting my shoulder playful.

"Don't be so mean," I fake scold.

"It's a gift."

"So you've said."

"I don't know, I guess I didn't think you were capable of remembering." She smirks.

Ashton laughs. "And you say that we were flirting, Luke!"

We all start to laugh. The road branches off to the side a little, but I don't pay attention to it and continue to follow Ashton. We joke and tease each other a little more for a while.

But as we walk, the smiles fade from our faces. All I see are trees and what seems to be an empty, endless dirt road, with no gas station in sight.

"Um, maybe we should turn around?" Ashton says.

Sarah bites her lip. "It could have been the other way."

"Okay," I say, "only we have one problem."

The other two turn to me, looking nervous.

"And that would be?" Ashton asks.

"I think the road forked somewhere behind us." I tell them. "After we turned left, I think we might have accidentally strayed a little."

Sarah starts shaking her head and stops walking. "How comr we didn't notice?"

"It was gradual; the road just branched off a little. I didn't realize until just now." I explain.

Ashton looks behind us, a troubled expression on his face. "And we have no idea which way we took... "

Sarah pulls her phone out of her pocket. "No signal."

"Same," I say after checking my own phone.

"Nothing's changed since we left the bus: no wi-fi." Ashton acknowledges. "We're fucked."

I shift nervously on my feet. In every book I've ever read (which hasn't been many until recently) I've seen that everyone says the same thing; stay where you are until someone finds you.

The Wrong Number ☆Luke Hemmings☆ [#Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now