Chapter Two

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Chapter Two 

A day without sunshine is like, well, night.



    The icy needles of sheeting rain woke me. Dazed, I saw the crisp outline of branches backlit by a weak glow above me.  What was a tree doing inside? And why was I wet? Twisting my head to the right, I saw the gaping hole its fall had created.

    All around me was chaos. Screams of pain and calls for help echoed inside my pounding head while the wooden floorboards pulsed under the weight of so many panicking footsteps.

      But all of this was lost on me as I watched one silver highlighted leaf quiver and dance under the pelting rain. It looked so pretty dancing there, calling to me…

     The world sounded strange. Although I could hear all that was going on it was like my head was underwater. Nothing interested me; nothing touched me but that single leaf. Mesmerized, I tried to reach out to touch it but my arm wouldn’t move. Just then, a pair of black scuffed boots interrupted my vision. Distracted, I turned to see who it was.

    The light haloed his spiky hair but the rest of his face was in darkness. “Are you alright?”

    Blinking up at him, at first I didn’t understand the question.

    “Have you been hurt?” his deep voice asked again, filled with more worry this time.

    I nodded before realizing he might not be able to see that. “Yes, yes I’m fine. Just confused I guess,” I said, trying to sit up but I soon realize the problem. “I can’t get up. The tree has me pinned.”

    “I need some help over here,” he called over his shoulder. “Can you still feel your legs?”

     Moving them experimentally, I nodded again. “Yeah, I’m just pinned. What happened? Where’s Petra?”


    “My sister Petra, where is she?” Suddenly panicked, I started to scream, “Petra! Petra where are you? Pet-”

    “Amy!” Relief flooded through me as I just made her voice out over the din. “Amy, where are you?”

    “Petra! Over here!”

    “You have to stay calm. I’ll go and find your sister, I promise. Just settle down,” he soothed, stroking my hair.

   I wanted to tell him to stop. I hated it when people touched me, but I was afraid he wouldn’t find Petra for me if I did.

     But there was no need. With a squeal, Petra threw herself on top of me screaming, “Amy, are you okay? Tell me you’re not hurt. Why are you on the ground?”

     The quiver of fear in her voice for once made her sound her young age.

    “Petra, honey, I’m alright. I promise. I’m just pinned, not hurt. Promise.”

   Pulling back, she ran her hands over me, touching where she could, no doubt trying to check for blood.  Finding none, she looked up at the man. “What are you waiting for, a royal invitation?  Help me pull her out.”

    “We can’t do it alone, that branch is too big. You stay with her and I’ll go get help.”

    Nodding, she turned back to me. “So…um…”

   “You don’t have to keep me entertained. But you know a plank of wood or an umbrella might be nice,” I said, shaking my head and blinking in an attempt to get the rain out of my eyes.

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