Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint.

Alexander Hamilton


Over the next few weeks there was not Kool-Aid offered though trouble of a different sort was soon on the horizon. Jacob turned political. I could never tell what set him off, if it was when Queenie cut off all her hair, started talking in a normal pitch, changed his name back to Jake and climbed on the back of the black suits truck. Or if it was the thought of Annus’ vagrancy laws being passed, maybe it was both as they happened on the same day. Or maybe it was neither; maybe they were just the excuses he needed.

   Personally, I most put out by Queenie’s desertion. When the suits had first rocked up Queenie had tried to apply for one of their jobs. One idiot had tried the ‘invisible balls’ line on her as they had on Sandra.

    Queenie had just smiled at the suit as she grabbed his hand and forced it between her own legs asking, “Are these visible enough for you?”

   The suit had freaked out jerking his hand back with so much force that he fell splat in the churned mud. Scrambling back up he seemed more intent on wiping the feel of Queenie off his hand then the mud on his ass. The suit growled something disparaging at Queenie as he stalked off to wash his hands. Queenie never told anyone what was said but after that she had been as anti suits as I had was.

     Or at least that was what I had thought.

     From my favourite tree I watched him go, him now not her, refusing to say fair well to the turncoat traitor. From that vantage point I was shocked to see how few men remained in camp. The suit truck had never once left empty but soon there would be no one left to recruit.

    Climbing down I walked over to where Petra sat holding flat black electronic newsreader.

      “Wow. Where’d you get that from?” I asked collapsing next to her.

      Too absorbed in the print she ignored my question.

      “I filched it from the front seat of the suits truck,” Mark beamed proudly jogging up.

      “It was my idea,” Delilah griped following close on his heels.

       Mark turned on her smug, “But I got it.”

      “But I pocketed the car keys and distracted the suit,” Delilah argued pushing the taller boy.

      Mark pushed back, “But I –“

     “Oi, brats,” placing two fingers in my mouth I let out a short high-pitched whistle, “You’re both as great as each other. Now run along and go bug someone else.”

     Mark stood to attention, executing a military salute. Delilah, seeing an opportunity, daked him and ran off.

     Mark gaped down shock and gasped. Bending down he grabbed pants, now located his ankles, and stood up red faced. His mouth opened and close for half a minute, no doubt trying to come up with something to say before gave up, turned and went screaming after Delilah’s retreating figure.

     With a loud deep sigh Petra raised her head out of the reader and ran her hand over her face.

     Picking up a twig I began to draw random shapes in the dirt. “What’s up?” 

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