Chapter 1

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I was back. Back to the place, I had sworn I'd never return. To the place, I never wanted to return to. With the man, I didn't want to return with.

The spring court was still as beautiful as I Remebered but, I couldn't feel the spark of relief or warmth I had always felt when I came home.

Maybe, because this wasn't home. Not to me. Never to me.

I felt his grip on my hand tighten reassuringly as I tensed. I looked up at my captor. My old love. My enemy.


He gave me a warm smile before leaning down to brush his lips on my forehead gently "We're home" he whispered.

I gave him a beam of my own but, it didn't reach my eye's. This wasn't home. It never will be.

I wanted to shout at him. Beat him down for all the pain he's caused me. But, I knew.

I knew that wasn't an option for me. At least not now.

Once he tore his gaze from me to the court, I glanced down at where the bond had once been. The bond that had linked an agreement between my real love, Rhys and myself. A stab of guilt went down my throat causing me to grimace and quickly avert my gaze. I knew the bond I shared with Rhys still enveloped my opposing arm but, It still hurt to know that I didn't have the mark that started it all.

If I never had that mark then, I'd never had known...that Rhys was my Mate. My one and only. My Prick.

I felt a small tug on my lips at that. But, I quickly covered it up as I entered my new hell hole.

I felt Lucien's cold gaze on my back as he sauntered into the court as well. I knew he knew something was up. I could already see him questioning me once, he caught me alone without Tamlin. Which would be pretty hard to do.

I glanced down at the tight grip Tamlin had on my glove covered hand. It was uncomfortable and it took a invisible army of illyrian men to hold me back from slapping him silly for even thinking of touching me.

I sighed hiding the rage in my voice making it a sigh of relief "I can't believe I'm finally home" I stated mentally gagging.

Tamlin beamed down at me before a look of guilt and rage took over his features. He then grasped both of my hands in a swift movement caressing the back of my hands with a gentle stroke of his thumb.

"Forgive me, Feyre" he said his voice sorrowful. He had a pained expression that almost made me roll my eyes as he held me close his hands bringing my own to his lips.

"Forgive me for not finding you sooner. I thought I was doing the right thing when I had..." he paused looking away from my gaze. I knew what he was referring to, everyone did. I hid my anger towards him my fingers curling up in his hands slightly to signify my rage.

"Y-you did what you thought was right. But, don't lock me up again...please don't. I can't bare the feeling of being locked up again" I said in my most pained whisper.

Tamlin crushed me into his arm's almost knocking the breath out of my lungs "I won't my love. I'm so sorry I ever did. I'll try to make it up to you in anyway I can".

I knew that was a lie.

He'd lock me up again any chance he gets just to think I'm safe. To think I'll be protected inside of these jewel encrusted walls. He'd never learn.

But, I just nodded leaning into his embrace giving a smile for show for the watching Lucien.

I won't test my luck by confronting him about it. I doubted he'd rat me out however if he actually knew due to his new found mate, my sister Elaine.

Tamlin let me go soon enough walking me to my old bedroom with small steps obviously not to eager to let me out of his sight just yet.

We came to the door in nearly half an hour. Even if it took only mere minutes to arrive walking like a normal person. But, of course, no one in this household was normal.

Tamlin gave me a pained look that I new I wasn't supposed to see as he kissed the back of my hand. A gesture that used to make my sway in awe and lust but, now made me disgusted beyond belief.

He stood straight as he looked me in my eyes "you can change from that dreadful attire" he gestured go my night court clothing which made me clench my fists behind my back and my jaw tighten "and meet me in the dining room...I love you Feyre" he said suddenly finishing.

I paused as he waited for a reply. I didn't love him anymore so, would it change anything if I did still say I did? No. No it couldn't. I wasn't betraying Rhys if I said so. I'd never do that but...

If I don't....he'll definetly catch on. If not now then soon. Much sooner then I'd like.

I grimaced mentally before replying with a beam of awe "I love you too. Tamlin".

He gave a barely audible sigh of relief before nodding slightly and making his way down the hall.

I closed the door and groaned my whole facade leaving me quickly.

'Rhys' I called through the bond.

I took off my glove that revealed the mark that gave me the title of High Lady of the Night Court.

'R-rhys' I called my lip quivering. What if the King really did destroy the bond? What if Rhys was hurt? What if...

I froze feeling a wave of relief and happiness. I nearly wept in relief thanking the cauldron as I knew these emotions weren't from me.

'Rhys!' I cried happily through the bond.

'Feyre' I heard a deep, sensual purr from the bond.

I fought back my smile but, unable to hide it.

The bond was still in affect.

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