Chapter 6

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I couldn't help but figet around nervously my feet unable to stay in one spot and my eye's darting around the room. My body was stiff and I felt my breathing turning ragged and nervous.

What if Tamlin decided to change his mind and take me before Mor got here?

I couldn't fight him off. He'd know something was up and then, Rhys would be in danger because of me.

I collapsed to the marble floor in my bathroom ready to vomit up all of the dinner I had managed to stomach three day's ago. I curled my bony, calloused hands into a fist that may shatter my now fragile state with ease.

How did it come to this?

How did I become so weak and fragile in just a few short weeks?

That bastard will pay when this was all is said and done!

I heard a light knock on my door and immediately stiffened as I already came up with who was there.

Speak of the devil

I turned as the door opened a smile strained on my lips.

Tamlin gave a soft smile as he neared with a fresh bouquet of lilies from his garden of death.

"My love." He adressed me and I fought the need to choke the life out of his royal neck until it crumbled to dust in my bare hand's.

He came close wrapping his arm around my waist gently pulling him into his chiseled chest. I looked up at him as I took the bouquet in my hands with a grin "their lovely".

He beamed down at me before he began "there is news from the farmers'." He said catching my attention.

I didn't reply but, I gave him a look that said 'go on'.

He continued his eye's narrowing in his thoughts "the plants have begun to dry out due to the drought." I didn't like how this was looking.

"The king has made some arrangements and we must begin Calanmai earlier this year" I froze.

My blood ran cold and my heart stopped all together.

I couldn't breathe.

I looked into his eyes digging to find the amusement in his lashes. Was this a joke? This had to be!

He rubbed my arm's calmly "don't worry. The guards and wards will be doubled. My men will be positioned at every door and window. He'll never reach you" he reassured with a smile.

I couldn't smile back.

This couldn't be happening. Oh god. Oh god please no.

By the cauldron no!

I began to panic my breathing quickening.

Tamlin took my fear and devestation as something different. He wrapped his arm's around my shaking form and said "don't worry Feyre. I won't hurt you I promise."


Please no...

He left me alone after kissing my brow with a soft worried smile assuring me that Rhys would never be able to get to me.


Rhys couldn't save me this time...

The mating bond will!

I collapsed to my knees. My frame shaking and quivering as sobs racked through my body violently.


My eyes widened in horror as I heard the sound of my beloved calling in distress and worry.

The bond...

It had been opened...


Feyre! Feyre speak to me! What's wrong? Rhys sounds worried, right now he's the only thing I hear the only person I feel is truly with me. I feel as if I'm only rubble and Tamlin is the burning ember inside beginning to destroy the remaining sighs of life trapped within.'s early. Everything's dying...the energy restores...

I couldn't finish as I crumbled to the ground fear clawing at my chest as I grasped the charmed mating mark on my right hand.


I hanged my head and held my night court mark close to my chest.

I'm sorry Rhys--

Rhys cut me off before I could utter another word 'no! Don't say that Feyre. Well get through this. Buy us some time Mor can get there in three weeks at least. Please Feyre...don't give up so soon.

I felt a soothing caress from the other side of the bond and I felt my tears dry slowly before I nodded even if he couldn't see me.

Hurry Rhys...please.

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