Chapter 7

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I needed alittle fresh air, some sunlight. Anything but, the feeling of being locked away in a prison for what felt like years. I couldn't stand not being able to enjoy my freedom like I had been able to do with Rhys.

I leaned against the wall of my room my feet aching faintly from my constant pacing. Tamlin wanted an early Calanmai and if I didn't do something quick. He'd definetly get one.

I had to do something. So far I haven't even questioned him on anything. My court Is counting on me and I've done nothing to prove to then that I could do this alone. I have to make up for that now don't i?

With a deep breath, I took the door knob in my hand turning slightly as I opened the door to the hallway. It was empty and so, I began walking towards Tamlin's chambers. Could I actually face him now? Did I even have the guts?

I felt my steps slow as I catch sight of the door a mere ten feet away from where I was standing. Why did I feel so insecure? So incompetent? So useless? How could only a few weeks here damage me so much? I felt broken all over again.

I was now in front of the door, I hadn't raised my hand to knock yet. I wasn't prepared to face him after hearing such devestation news like Calanmai. Rhys was ready to go ballistic, he would charge into the spring court right now if not for the men of hybern and the risk of me being found out earlier then needed.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed once more before sucking up my pride and raising a hand towards the door. However, I was surprised when my hand missed the door as it opened to reveal a surprised Tamlin.

"Feyre?" He asked completely surprised but, i could see a pleased smile making its way onto his face. You smiled back half heartedly "Hi" you said looking down slightly trying to look innocent.

Tamlin, of course, bought it pulling me into the room and closing the door behind him "What brings you here? Is everything alright?" He asked and he already had a dozen questions bubbling up into his head.

I smiled up at him comfortingly "It's nothing. I just thought we could spend some time together" you said to him as he pulled you over to sit on the edge of the bed.

His eyes glided below my eyes and my smile nearly faded completely to a look of utter disgust as I realized what he thought I was about to say. I regained my composure before saying "So how was your last trip to the Winter court?" I asked him with a smile as he looked back up at me.

He seemed slightly disappointed before he shrugged "Nothing really. I just informed him of the small financial issues for the war between Hybern and the night court" he said and my eye's widened before gaining interests "That's great but, what finance? Is it for the army?" I asked him.

He looked at me confused and I beamed up at him innocently before clasping my hands together "I can't have you hurt when you come back. So, I'd love to know where your going before you leave ok?" I asked him a seductive smile on your lips as i pulled him by the collar of his shirt.

I hated yourself for doing this. I wanted to gag and have someone kill me now if only to get rid of the guilty feeling i had succumbed to as i waited for the anger and hatred thst Rhys would send down the bond. Although it never came.

Tamlin didn't even seem to hear your question only nodding dumbly before his lips met mine in a rush of passion. However, he was rough and demanding his touch giving me bruises here and there.

I let out a yelp of pain as his grip grew rough around your waist "T-tamlin..." I groaned out but, he took it as a sign of pleasure as he grinds himself between my legs. I couldn't do this, not now. Probably, not ever.

But, I didn't have a choice. I couldn't think clearly enough to manipulate his mind as I saw fit, I could hardly fight against him physically.

He shoved his tongue in between my lips before making me groan into his mouth as he grinds in between my legs. I held back the urge to cry out in pain as his grip felt like he was tearing me in two.

His hands went to the corset strings of my dress loosening and then I could suddenly breath straight as I felt the air regaining into my lungs. But, Tamlin didn't give me long to recover as he ripped the dress top clean off my upper body with a single tug.

I couldn't take it anymore as I cried out finally moving away from him backwards covering my exposed upper body "Stop it Tamlin please.." i cried out a hand out to halt his movements but, i was shocked to see a deep yearning hunger in his eye's that shook me to the core.

"I've been patient with you for far too long Feyre and you know that" he said a growing sly smirk on his lips as he inched closer to me.

He was now nearly hovering over me and I wanted so badly to just kill him right then and there but, I knew I couldn't. Not now and definitely not in the state I was in.

"I can't stand not being able to touch you anymore Feyre. To feel your skin on mine when we make love" he whispered as he leaned down his boy now between my legs.

"I'll make you forget Rhys even existed" he finished and my eye's widened before he dove onto my lips with a dark lust that he just needed to have satisfied. It was becuase of Calanmai. I knew that already and if I pushed him away, he wouldn't be so forgiving.

I had to go through with this, but I couldn't stop the rising bile in my throat or the pain in my chest.

"Please Tamlin stop..." you dragged out as he responded with a warning squeeze to your forearms before he broke lip contact.

He seemed to glare down at you before he asked you angrily "I haven't touched you in weeks. You've denied me every opportunity to make love to you. We are to be married Feyre! So why? Why do you deny me?!" He shouted at me and I felt myself inching back into the pillows on instinct before he suddenly lashed out in anger.

His nails scraped the delicate skin of my back before he realized what he had done. I cried out in pain, agony overwhelming me as Tamlin gasped realizing what he had done.

He pulled back his hand noticing the blood staining his finger tips of his lengthened nails before he looked down at my pained face that sent a spiral of conflicting and regret through his system.

"Feyre I'm..." he was interrupted however as I moved off the bed quickly making Tamlin chase after me "Leave me alone!" I cried s using the wall for balance. The pain was unbearable, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of knives that cut me every passing second.

Tamlin moved to me worry washing over his features as he reached out to me, I nearly stumbled, my back ached and my legs felt like they were about to give way.

"Feyre please I'm so sorry my love. Let me help you" he said bur, I couldn't hear him as my vision blurred and I collapsed to my knee's. The last thing I see is Tamlin as he rushes over to catch me before I hit the ground.

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