Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Repercussions

"True redemption is seized when you accept the future consequences for your past mistakes." -Unknown


Everything looked and sounded just as it did before I had left the room. Surprisingly, there were holes in this statement; enough for it to be mistaken for Swiss cheese.

To an ordinary person, someone who isn't as observant as I happen to be, would have acted as if everything was as it should be.

The problem with that was, I'm not like other people; I happened to notice almost immediately.

Trish was gone, along with the man clothed in the crisp, black suit.

 My steps faltered as I noticed the lack of familiar faces, that were now replaced with more police men. 

Taking a seat on one of the many extra chairs, I let my gaze travel from each officer to the next. There were at least five more officers than before I had left, shifting on my chair, I grew more and more anxious. 

They seemed as though they were about to be let off for the day, to return to their loving families that await them in their cozy homes. 

I didn't happen to have that luxury; and I solemnly feared that I never would. 

My focus on the policemen made a quick transition and was replaced with the ground. Busying myself with something different, I began to trace the many textures of the ground with my analyzing gaze. 

All to soon, the double doors were pushed open with much force. Resulting in a rumble to flow over the walls, silencing almost everyone willing to listen.

Multiple men began to circulate into the room. The man in the middle seemed to be standing a few inches in front of everyone else, his eyes were slightly narrowed as they searched the room. It didn't take long for his eyes to meet mine. 

Raising his hand up moderately above his shoulder, he signaled to the men behind him to stop so that they wouldn't cause a scene. A "scene" would make the police men seem as though this was a problem that they couldn't handle, or one they found was of high difficultly. 

The man in the middle continued forward towards me. The stern expression on his face led me to believe that this was a situation that could not be taken lightly. 

As he stood in front of me, with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his eyes seemingly narrowed a fraction of an inch more. 

"Sir, I'm going to have to have little chat with you outside. Or preferably in the hallway," the cop stated. I gave a solemn nod, unknowingly accepting my inevitable future. 

 Nodding in return, he stepped away from me and made his way back into the hallway alone. A couple of his comrades gave him a concerned look, but he quickly dismissed them and continued on. 

I began to stand up, preparing myself for what my consequences might be. A few uneasy cops placed a hand on their gun holsters. I tried to ignore the unsettling feeling that grew in my stomach when I noticed their reproach. 

Stuffing my restless hands into my pockets, I headed back into the hallway where the dominant cop awaits my arrival.    

With all eyes on me, I push the doors back open and closed them behind me. The cop stood with his back against the wall, his eyes on the floor. As I approached him, he sighed and locked his eyes with mine. 

"You know, I didn't quite like him either," he said, glancing towards the unconscious body on the floor. "But, I'm also quite sure that I would take it as far as to knock him out over some..'odious phrases' that he had decided to utter out of that obnoxiously, inapplicable mouth of his. Nevertheless, I can't say I plan to let you off the hook for harming and endangering this alarmingly obtuse police officer. I'm afraid you are going to be staying here tonight, tomorrow you will go to court for these unfortunate crimes along with the 'situation' that occurred here today. You will most likely get sentenced a significant amount of jail time, but it all depends on the depth of your past and what you did to get here," the officer said, with a grim but surprisingly light tone. 

"Now. I'm going to have the others come in now, and they are going to cuff you again; and you will be taken to a  waiting cell. Am I understood?" The officer kept his gaze fixated on me as he talked. 

I nodded, signifying that I understood; fully and completely. 

"Good," he cleared his throat and stepped towards the door. Stopping a few feet away, with his back facing me, he said,"I saw you playing dolls with that little girl earlier. I get this feeling that you're a better man than you let on. Not that it can change what you did, but I admire that goodness that I can only assume you carry in that heart of yours. Have a good day, I expect that I will be seeing you sometime later. My name, is Chief Conward. If you ever need something, that I can legally provide you, don't hesitate to contact me. I may be a highly understanding person, but I will not break my moral laws that I abide by, to keep this country safe or maybe even this town, if that's all I can do. I believe you have a mighty good heart, don't let me be wrong about you."

And with that, he left the hallway, and went back into the waiting room.

It wasn't long before I was flanked by numerous police officers as they cuffed me, and brought me down the hallway and into another hallway leading to lines of cells.

The world blurred and my hearing was fuzzy as I was pushed and yelled at by the men. The walls and flooring were hard, cold cement, that held a steely color. 

I would be looking at nothing but these walls in my cell. That and a hard bed, along with a toilet that smelled of mud, snails, and a faded hint of cigarette smoke.  

I was guided into a cell, that was quickly locked behind me once I was standing out of the way. The officer that locked the door gave me a wary look before turning away and leaving me in silence. 

The only noise, besides my constant breathing, was the incessant beat of water droplets that fell from a nearby faucet or drainpipe. 

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drop. 

And again, and again, and again.

The same repeating beat. 

That seemed to be the background noise that filled my thoughts. 

I had worried about the repercussions of my decisions; but soon decided that there wasn't much I could do to change what I had already done. I have done many wrongs in my life, but I'm hoping I can change the way I go about things. 

Sooner is always better than later.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.



Hello everyone !! I'm so very sorry that it took THIS long for me to post chapters again, I just haven't been able to find the time. 

Thank you if your still reading, and you haven't given up on me yet. Since it's the beginning of the new year, I have decided that writing more consistently is one of the many goals I have for 2017, and I definitely plan to achieve most or all of them. This one I especially hope to accomplish very soon. 

Thank you again for reading, and enjoy the rest of your day !!

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