Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:Scarlet

"In all our lives, there is a fall from innocence. A time after which, we are never the same." -Stand By Me


I sat there awaiting his presence, so that I can take a look at the necklace myself. Scrolling through some pictures on my phone, it reminded me of my old life. My daughter Valerie on my shoulders and my wife Jane's hand in mine as we walk through main street holding our own personal ice cream. The sky turned to night slowly, the look of happiness apparent on our faces. 

Smiling with tears brimming my eyes, in a second the picture is gone with a click as I delete the old photo. My old life is gone now, young love happened to fast and now that its gone I miss it. Valerie died because she had became very ill and I guess I handled the situation the wrong way and my wife, she left me. Ever since then I've been in such an emotional state I just can't control my actions, you know?

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the door quickly being pulled open and the sound of muffled cries. I wipe my eyes and make a little cough, trying to return to my usual state. Personally I like to keep my emotions hidden from other people. Ace is the only person I really trust right now, it would suck to loose a person like that. 

 Then I noticed he had a..girl with him? "Dude why is she here?" I say sharply. "Okay. Okay, so two things. One, the girl saw me taking the necklace. She could lead the police to us. And two, are you alright dude?" Says Ace in a serious tone. 

I give him an assuring look but I'm pretty sure he could tell something was up. He nodded, I'm guessing it was because he understood. "Ow! Seriously kid!" I look towards Ace and see a look of anger on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. The kid had bitten the hand that had been covering her mouth.

He gave me an irritated look and I coughed again letting the rest of my laughs go. "Hey, what's your name?" I say as politely as my voice can muster. "Scarlet," she said in her soft voice. I smiled,"Such a pretty name, but seriously we have to get rid of her. She could get us caught with the extra attention her disappearance will bring to us."

He gave me a look but sighed. Ace grabbed her arm and put her in the back and buckled her up. "Don't move." Scarlet didn't say anything but you could tell she understood. We began to hear sirens coming close on one of the near by roads. 

I quickly shuffled into the drivers seat, and instead of heading back to Ace's apartment, we were headed towards our abandoned hide out a few cities over. 

Scarlet's POV

I didn't want to put myself in any more harm so I sat still in the uncomfortable leather seat. A feeling of tears came over me, but I had to stay strong or at least I tried. One tear slipped out and slowly rolled down my face. I'm being kidnapped by strangers and I don't know where we were headed and frankly, I don't want to. 

I sat there quietly awaiting my destination. A few minutes later we stopped in front of a dark building. Looking abandoned, as if it has not been entered for a long time. The man in the front of the car, turned the key and the once bright light dimmed, until it was pitch black.  

The other man that had rudely taken me from my home, sat next to me keeping a sharp eye on my every move. Which really hadn't mattered the only time I had moved  was when I yawned, I had covered my mouth. Then I returned back to my still form. 

The man that had been driving stuffed his car keys in his pocket then pulled the latch to open his door. The man that had been watching me said,"Come on now, and don't cause any trouble." I nodded and unbuckled myself slowly getting out of my seat. He had already gotten out while I had been unbuckling. 

We walked quietly into the open door way. There were a couple chairs to the the side of the room but besides that there was mostly just debris and empty boxes. One of them walked me to one of the chairs and again told me not to move or cause them any trouble. He had walked over to the other guy and seemed to be having a heated conversation. They both were whisper yelling but I had heard bits and pieces. I can't. Tie her. Here! Whatever. Ugh. Just do it! I was shocked and scared out of my pants. 

The guy that had taken me from my home angrily, fast walked over to me, and pointed the gun in his hand to my head. And kept talking to the other guy. "See you just point and shot why can't you just do that David?"

 I hadn't noticed until his face changed from anger to a blank face. And that tears were now streaming down my face and I couldn't stop it. I just kept on crying while they stood there and just..watched.  Eventually the guy had sternly said,"Hey! Stop that. It's irritating." I tried to stop but the best I could do was slow my tears, just a little bit.

He was still pointing the gun at head and moved it forward until it touched my face. "See David. Just point and-" said the guy. "Please! Please don't hurt me." I said interrupting him. "You can take the necklace and just set me free. I promise I won't tell anyone." I said on the verge of more tears. I felt so fragile, and useless. 

"I'm sorry but we can't do that," said David. I looked at the guy holding the gun and it looked like his mind changed. But I couldn't tell, I could only hope for the best. 


This was chapter 3!! 

Hope you enjoyed reading this,

and don't be a silent reader

Chapter Question:

Do you think Ace will shot Scarlet or will he have a change of mind?

Only next chapter will tell.

Enjoy the rest of your day! 


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