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This one guy said BTR (big time rush) was straight heat and I've never related to anything more in my life. We're acquaintances but he's now my fav boy😂
I probably won't get either of these but if I were to choose between the iPhone 7 or the iPhone 7 plus I would maybe choose the plus. I would want that one only cause of the camera and I've always liked photography and stuff. But I don't like how big it is. It's so big and i really don't need it that big. I wish they had the same camera for the 7 and the 7 plus.
I accidentally added this "popular" girl on snapchat I she surprisingly added me back. I knew she knew me cause we have 2 classes together but I wasn't expecting her to add me back.
I seriously stink at remembering things
I used to really like math class cause of the people now some of the people are getting annoying #sorrynotsorry. Literally they talk through the whole class, take zoomed in pics of my face (it was funny at first now it's just plain annoying), and they legit only talk about this one girl. Like bro lets talk about something else we don't need to talk about this person over and over again.

But they're still my friends and ya.
I hate the beginning of the week cause I don't look forward to Wednesdays and Thursdays. That doesn't really make sense but oh well.
I got new makeup brushes and I'm deceased
"If you like someone you should tell them. Life's to short to keep your feelings inside."
{quotes I saw on Instagram}

Yeah one problem, I'm too scared.
And I don't have good social skills.
And it'll probably end up badly.
So nope. 

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