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Happy thanksgiving!! I'm thankful for so much but I'll list a few here (no particular order)

1) God
Oh what a wonderful man he is
2) st. Raphaels
without that school I wouldn't of met my favorite people and I wouldn't of laughed as much as I did. I actually really liked it there cause of my class. They made everything better
3) Summit Dance Shoppe
So glad I made the decision to dance there. One of the best decisions I've ever made and I'm so grateful for all the people I've met.
4) friends
cliche but seriously thankful for all my og friends, new friends, old friends, just everyone:) i don't know where I would be without them
5) animals
Shoutout to my pets especially love ya Minnie and pop tart😂
6) family
I love my family to death and you know all that cliche stuff

I'll just stop here cause if I listed everything it would take sooo long:))

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