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So this is one of my favorite ships ever since I found the name on Tumblr, and now a lot of people know about it here cause *points to self* I'm fabulous for introducing this awesome ship to Wattpad XD Hope y'all enjoy it, and I'll be making more spiceshipping oneshots in the future 😃👏🙌

"I can't wait to learn about the Z-uh, whatever move it is! This is gonna be AWESOME!" Ash yelled and pumped his fist, Pikachu happily chirping on his shoulder from successfully using the strong move.

Kiawe crossed his arms after watching the whole scene, his jawline tightening as he saw Mallow approach the scrawny boy.

It took him to go through all of those trials and this random guy shows up and does it in less than a minute-!?

Talk about lucky.

It took all of his energy not to knock out this little saltine cracker. If she wasn't around, he'd already be on the ground or something.

He glared at Ash as he chatted up with the girl he always kept close to his side. He was NOT about to lose her to this skinny chicken-legged boy. Not in a million years, and this guy wants to be a Pokémon master?


"I've never seen a Pikachu before until I met Ash! I read in a book that it can connect with other electric type Pokémon through shooting electricity through its cheeks, especially communicating with other mouse Pokémon." Lillie said, admiring the cute, yellow mouse-like Pokémon on Ash's shoulder. Kiawe clenched his teeth, not moving an inch from where he was standing.

Lillie curiously looked at Kiawe next to her, seeing that he hadn't moved a muscle from her interesting fact, at least she thought it was somewhat interesting. "Kiawe? Are you okay?"

"Whatever." Kiawe grunted, puffing out his chest slightly and straightened his back, flexing as he saw Ash and Mallow approaching them again.

"Look, if you want to use the damn z-ring correctly, you'll have to go through the trials like I did." Kiawe rolled his eyes as the younger boy looked at him with stars glistening in his own eyes.

"Really?! Then that's it, I'll go through the proper trials so I can use z-moves correctly!" Ash excitedly proposed. Most of the gang shook their heads in approval, along with professor Kukui.

"Sounds like a good plan to me. I think you can do it." Kukui responded, giving Ash the thumbs up.

Kiawe glanced at Mallow, who gave Ash a gleeful smile, with Ash returning a goofy grin. He shook his head slightly, then saw that Ash was looking at him hopefully.

"What?" He spat, not enjoying the sight of Ash looking at him like that. "Won't you help me? C'mon!" Ash begged, placing his palms together. Kiawe looked him up and down real quick, then pffted and looked the other way. Hell, he was not going to help this little kid, there's no way he wou-

"Kiawe, you're the only one who knows how to! Please? I always love it when you help me." His eyes looked at Mallow sincerely smiling at him, her emerald-green eyes glistening from the sun rays.

Kiawe's eyes widened for a couple seconds, then felt his cheeks heat up quickly as he finally closed his eyes and raised his right hand behind his head. Thinking about it for a few seconds, he was convinced just because Mallow asked him.

"Fine, since I am the only one of us to use a z-ring." Kiawe sighed, giving in because of the cute smile he admired for a while. Ash immediately pumped his fist and jumped around, holding Pikachu by the front paws and spinning in a circle.

"YEAH! We're gonna get even more stronger Pikachu! I'm so excited, I can't wait!" Ash laughed, bringing his pal in a tight hug.

"Pika~pi-i-i~" Pikachu slurred, his eyes rolling around from becoming extremely dizzy. Lillie giggled at the adorable bonding moment.

Mallow smiled up at Kiawe, who's face still looked flustered ever since she'd asked him to help Ash. "That's really sweet of you to help! Do you mind helping me make some food too? I'd really like having you to keep me company~!" She took a couple steps and twirled to face him again, who's face was now even more flustered than before, with his pointer finger pointing to himself. "Me?" He asked, trying to figure out if he had heard her correctly.

"Yeah! All the time, come on!" Mallow laughed, grabbing his right hand and raced off, pulling the muscular teenager right behind he. She internally screamed in happiness, the little butterfree starting to fly in her stomach again. Well, she was also hungry too, but that wasn't the point obviously.

They breezed by the others who curiously looked at them.

Kiawe had the tiniest real smile on his face as he ran beside Mallow, enjoying the moment while it lasted.

Well, his stomach was also excited to have some of her food, but as long as it was him to keep her occupied, nothing else mattered.

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