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Rules to follow when Emma is on her period:

1. Do not piss me off/annoy me.(cough cough Elizabeth cough cough)

2. Do not correct me.

3. Do not feed me carrots.

4. Don't ask me if I'm okay, I'm bleeding.

5. If I'm in a pissed mood, don't talk to me unless you are my friend.

6. Absolutely do not interrupt me while I'm talking, the outcome will not be pretty.

7. If I'm listening to music, it's probably to calm myself down. So don't disrupt me.

8. Do not tell me my drawing looks like shit. Because you know what else looks like shit? Your face.

9. If my hair looks messy, yet still presentable, don't bother me about it.

10. If you have a question about the homework, unless I can tolerate you, I might tell you, "Figure it out you dumb prick."

11. DO NOT ASK ME FOR FOOD! Chances are I might have chocolate in my lunch, so I won't give anything to you unless I decide to.

12. Don't tell me I'm bad at sports. If you've never played the sport competitively and I have, I might tell you to shut the hell up before I beat your ass.

13. If I look like shit, leave me alone. If this happens, I'm probably having cramps that feel like I'm getting stabbed.

14. If you mimic me I will make sure Ba3khyunBits helps me beat your ass to the ground.

15. If I hate you, just don't talk to me. I will glare daggers at you and my friends will drag me away before I can rip your throat out.

16. If I'm reading most likely it means I want to be left alone, don't ask me what I'm reading.

17. If I'm working on my homework, don't copy my answers. (Cough cough Leah cough cough)

18. Bring me chocolate

19. Leave me alone if I glare daggers at you.

21. Give me food if you don't want it.

21. Let me buy what I want if it's my own money I'm spending. (cough cough mom and dad cough cough)

22. Let me swear at you.


24. Don't talk shit about me, my friends, Kpop, anime, Sleeping with Sirens, or Pierce the Veil.

25. Don't wish to get your period, it's terrible.

26. Don't question why I've been wearing the same pants throughout the week.

27. I will get pissed over the littlest things so....

28. If I need certain "things" GIVE THEM TO ME.

29. Don't tell me I'm wrong on a problem, unless you're smart. If you're not, how would you know?

30. Don't make fun of my grade or I will strangle you.

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