Chapter 21

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          Spring has flown by, and now, it's summer.

          Summer is my personal favorite season.

     Although it is hot, and everyone is sweaty, hey, at least it's sunny! I prefer sunny days as opposed to gloomy days. I feel like if the weather is warm and sunny, I feel hyper and cheery myself. Plus, there's normally no school, and I would have an actual excuse to sleep in.

     Sadly, I wasn't in a public school anymore. I was in Alice Academy, the school for the special.

     I wake up, groaning and not wanting to get out of bed. The dormitory was nicely air conditioned, while outside, it was scorching hot. I didn't want to roast like a chicken out there, but unfortunately, I was forced to.

     Working quickly, I did my daily routine of brushing my teeth, washing my face, and moisturizing. After changing into an olive green tank top and navy shorts, I braided my hair and tied it into a side plait. I did a French twist with my bangs and then pinned two bobby pins into my hair to secure them. I slipped into a pair of black sandals and grabbed my bottle of sunscreen, squeezing out a generous amount and smearing it on my exposed skin.

     I definitely did not want to get a sunburn; I remember getting a sunburn on my shoulders from being at the beach, and it was so excruciatingly painful. Well, "excruciatingly painful" is an exaggeration, but it was painful to the point where I couldn't even sleep correctly.

     After applying my sunscreen, I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the door. I didn't bother taking anything from the diner; I wasn't that hungry. When I took one step out of the dormitory building, my stomach rumbled loudly, caushing me to flinch a bit. Without a second thought, I twisted my heel and headed for the diner to quickly grab some breakfast.

     When I entered the diner, I could see that there was only one banana nut muffin left. I jogged up to it, and as I reached for the breakfast cake, another hand interjected and slapped my hand away. Reflexively, I took my hand back and winced, rubbing the area where the person had slapped. It started to turn red. I looked up to glare at the person and realized the girl who slapped me was Lynetta.

"Gee, thanks for slapping my hand," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"No problem," Lynetta replies, giggling evilly and flipping her hair.

     I rolled my eyes again, and while she was giggling to herself and narcissistically flipping her hair, I snatched the muffin and went to get a carton of milk. I sat down, placing my bag next to me, and began to eat. I ate in such a systematic fashion: I would take a bite of the muffin, drink some milk, chew, swallow, then take another bite of the muffin, drink some milk, chew, swallow, rinse and repeat. Once I was done, I threw the muffin wrapper and the carton of milk away, my stomach satisfied.

     Quickly, I walked to exit the dormitory and get to school. However, once I was outside, I was stopped by a hand holding my wrist, pulling me back.

I sighed, not looking at the person. "Yes, Naoki-kun?"

"How did you know it was me?" Naoki's familar voice sounded.

"Daichi-kun actually says 'Hi,' to me instead of grabbing my arm," I told him in a "you should know this" tone.

     After a few moments of awkward silence, I turned around to see Naoki. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, attempting to not scan his outfit, or as Naoki likes to say it, "check out his hot body." He was wearing a plain white T-shirt paired with a rusty-red pair of cargo shorts. On his feet were a simple pair of black Vans. In my opinion, he dressed simply but also nicely.

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