Chapter 4

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     The three of us, Makoto, Daichi, and I left the dorms and went outside to see small figures in the distance, along with the silhouette of a bus.

"Hey! Our homeroom classmates came to join us!"

"They're joining us too?" I ask, purposely making it obvious that I was avoiding Makoto. He looked at me and faked a look of hurt, then smirked.

"Well, there's a bus," Daichi stated.

"Yay! We get transportation! The more the merrier," I say cheerily, smiling at Daichi and Makoto.

     Hana was there, waving at us. When we were close enough, Hana ran up to me and wrapped me in a bear hug. I had a hard time breathing, seeing as she bear hugged me for so long. I could feel myself dying in her arms, no joke.

     Hana finally let go, and we walked towards the bus, exchanging jokes and laughing. It was nice and fun when Haruna decided to just go and ruin everything.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, disgusted. I could hear the venom in her voice. "Why are you with Naoki-kun and Daichi-kun?"

"I originally was invited to Central Town with them," I say, "And plus, they're my friends. Is there a problem with that?"

Haruna glares at me. "Yes, there's a problem. They're mine; hands off."

I put my hands in surrender, faking a look of fear. "Oh, I'm so scared."

     Haruna walked up and was about to slap me, but Hana defended me and slapped her before she could slap me.

"Quit being a bitch. You don't own everything," Hana spits at her. Haruna gingerly touches the cheek Hana had slapped, wincing.

      Haruna runs off, whimpering. I look at Hana, eyes wide, and then I break into a smile.

"Damn, Hana," I grin at her, giving her a high-five. Hana blushes sheepishly.

     The four of us boarded the bus, but had problems soon before we even sat down.

"Crap. Who do I sit with?" I ask, looking amongst Daichi, Makoto, and Hana. I didn't want them to feel excluded.

"C-can I sit with Hana?" Daichi asks, a faint blush tinting his cheeks. Hana gives Daichi a tight smile and nods.

     I sat with Makoto while Hana sat with Daichi. We sat in seats right across from each other. I sat next to the window because, you know, I'm a kid. Plus, I'd like to see what this campus was like.

     A few moments after the bus took off, I felt something warm on my thigh. I looked down to see Makoto's hand there, as if he wanted me to hold his hand. I raised and eyebrow at him, and he just avoided my gaze, face slightly red.

          What the heck.

     I interlaced our fingers, and immediately, Makoto pulled our hands together tightly. He looked at me and gave me a warm, genuine smile. My heart raced upon seeing his smile, and a blush worked its way up to my face.

Makoto chuckles. "Gosh, you're cute."

     I didn't bother looking at him until the end of the bus ride.


     The bus door opened up at the entrance of Central Town.

     I rushed out, eager to see this place.

"Someone's an eager beaver," Daichi jokes, trailing behind me with Makoto and Hana. "Well, how about we show you around then? Central Town is full of places to shop and see, all built by people with Alices."

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