Out in the Open

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Luna and Ginny leaped down the stone paved steps leading to the dungeons where they had potions. Luna's watch told them they were 2 minutes late already- Snape was writing a potion on the chalkboard as they opened the creaking dungeon door.

"Ten points from Gryffindor- ten points from Ravenclaw- please sit down and copy the notes." He said as Luna and Ginny took their usual place; second row from the back left corner. They copied down the notes hurriedly- secretly holding hands under the desk as they worked.

"Weasley- why do you have leaves in your hair?" sneered Abigayl Timmer- a rather bossy Ravenclaw who thought she knew everything. Abigayl's nasty little friends snickered behind her.

"Leave my girlfriend alone." Said Luna in defense.

"Wait- what! When did this happen? And since when were either of you gay?" Abigayl snorted loudly.

Soon the word got around the whole classroom and Luna and Ginny were surrounded by jeers and snide remarks. It got to the point where their classmates were throwing bits of potion ingredients at them. Ginny stood up- and dragging Luna along with her- left the room. Luna started to cry quietly into Ginny's shoulders as they walked up to Ravenclaw tower.

"Let's go to the Gryffindor common room instead today." Said Luna.

They reached the portrait who was gossiping about something or other and stepped inside. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were studying by the fire place and Lavender Brown was sprawled across a sofa. It seemed 4th years had a free period.

Ginny and Luna found a nice spot by the window and talked for a bit until Ginny noticed Luna had gone quiet- she had fallen asleep. With all her homework done- Ginny wandered over to Harry and Hermione. Hermione was just leaving to take an ancient runes class so she smiled at Ginny before taking off towards the corridors.

"Hey Ginny" Said Harry as she sat down across from him. "What's up?"

"Oh um well nothing much" she replied

"No seriously- I can tell you're keeping some secret because you've got the exact same expression Ron has when he's keeping something from me" he pressed.

Stupid Ron and their shared sibling quirks.

"Luna and me are together..." Ginny blurted out- blushing beneath her freckled face.

"Finally! Me and Ron have been betting on whether that was going to happen; he owes me a galleon." Harry laughed

"Wait- you knew?" Said Ginny in surprise. She hadn't told anyone except when Luna defended her in potions- which hadn't ended yet.

"For a while. Kind of like how Hermione suspected me and Draco were dating. Oops you didn't know about that did you?" Explained Harry

"No I did NOT know about that! Why didn't you tell me?!" Exclaimed Ginny loudly- waking Luna.

"What all this? Draco and Harry? Cute. Kind of like that muggle play 'Romeo and Juliet I think." Luna mumbled- yawning.

"Isn't it! Luna I have to go to Transfiguration and I think you have Care of Magical Creatures but at the end of the day I'll meet you in the Ravenclaw Common Room 'kay?" Said Ginny- packing up her stuff.

"Okay- I'll see you then. Bye Harry!" Luna called as they stepped out of the portrait hole.

"Bye" Harry answered.

The day went slowly for Luna without Ginny and Ginny without Luna- but after meeting at the Ravenclaw Tower they walked down to the forest holding hands and feeling better. Filch's outline grew closer in the darkness.

"Same as before. Collect them seeds 'n' once ya done give'm ta Professor sprout she wants 'em."

The girls walked into the woods- intending not to collect seeds but find the Ford Anglia again.

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