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The air was cold as Luna and Ginny walked down through the Hogwarts Grounds. As they reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest- they saw Filch's scrawny outline in the dark.

"Lumos" Ginny commanded her wand- and the area around them was illuminated by the bright light. the girls approached Filch- who then explained they were to go and collect the seeds of a fanged geranium to stop it from spreading to the Herbology greenhouses. It seemed dull work and rather frightening at night. Ginny looked over to Luna who seemed actually relieved at their task- knowing Luna she was probably friends with all the spooky nocturnal creatures and interested in the plant. The two of them set into the dark forest with a sense of foreboding.

A few minutes in- Luna had gathered twice as many seeds as Ginny- they came across a centaur. Ginny had never seen a centaur before- but she was intrigued. Luna greeted the centaur politely- but he was too busy staring at the night sky.

"Venus is bright tonight" the centaur muttered as the girls passed by.

"That was odd" Ginny remarked when the centaur was out of sight.

"Centaurs are a bit different. Very starbound creatures" Agreed Luna.

"Hey- do you know where we are?" asked Ginny "Because I have no idea. I think we wandered father than we were supposed to."

"No I haven't a clue. I was kind of counting on you knowing where we were." Luna replied

"Well it seems we're lost. Ugh" said Ginny "I remember Hermione having some sort of compass spell- but I can't remember what it was."

"I don't even know which direction the castle is in- so that wouldn't be much help anyway" sighed Luna.

Ginny and Luna wandered for a bit before coming to a clearing. In the day time it would have looked pretty- but the moon light cast sharp strange looking shadows onto it so as the girls entered it looked eerily sinister. There was now a more distinct chill in the air and Luna began to shiver. Ginny wrapped her arm around her shoulders in an attempt to warm her. As they walked father in- Ginny noticed a large shadow on the other side. She and Luna walked cautiously over to it- until it could be recognized as a rather bashed up car. A rather bashed up Ford Anglia- to be precise.

"How the hell did it get here! Said Ginny in disbelief. She explained to Luna that this was her Dad's old car. "I haven't seen this this thing in two years!"

Luna walked around to the other side of the car and opened the back door; a few pieces of glass fell out of the shattered glass window.

"Wow! This car is bigger on the inside- Undetectable Extension Charm?" Luna asked.

"Yep- that'd be the one." Ginny answered

"It's probably warmer in here and safer too. Let's stay the night here and try to find our way back in the morning when we can actually see 5 feet in front of us." Luna suggested

"Okay- sounds like a plan" Ginny agreed.

Luna and Ginny huddled together to keep warm and tried to fall asleep.

Linny and the Forbidden ForestWhere stories live. Discover now