c h. 7

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" Nooooooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! " Moonbin shouted when he saw me walking into their practice room. He ran towards me like a kid and hugged me tightly.

" I don't miss you, back off." I said shooing him off and he made a sad face. I just laughed and gave him a peck on his right cheek, and the other members cheered on us.

" Of course I did miss you, little turtlehead." I pinched both of his cheeks, and he just smiled sheepishly showing me his breathtaking eye smiles.

" Aigoo, your height are still the same." Myungjun ruffled my hair and chuckled cutely. I know I am shorter than you. " Shut up." I glared.

" Oh, what are you guys doing today? Someone's birthday today? " I looked around the practice room, it filled with balloons and pictures hanging above us. I turned too look at them back, and they looked at me in a hesitate way.

" Noona, today is.. " Sanha looked nervous as he talked to me, and the others just shut their mouth.

" Today is Dongmin hyung birthday. We wanted to throw a small party for him. Do you mind if you join us? " Minhyuk said and Moonbin hit his arm all of a sudden, and they all looked.. clueless.

" Ohh! So, I think I got to go then.." I said and reached my backpack on the floor but they suddenly ran to me and blocking the way.

" What? " I asked. They looked at each other several times. " Guys, I don't have time for this. " Sighing, I let go of my backpack.

" Noona, we only got to see each other twice a year. Please, stay here longer. " Moonbin held my hand in his warm hand, and they looked at me while nodding in agree.

" I'm sure he will be back after 8 p.m. so we still have times to spend with! " Sanha said happily and jumped here and there, so excited.

" Okay then. Want me to help you guys? "


" I will get going now. It's already six." I said as I grabbed my backpack and walked towards Moonbin.

" Hey, we will meet next year okay? Don't worry. We can still contact each other." I smiled to him but he stay quiet, lowering his head.

" Aww don't be like this! I love you! " I said, pinched both of his cheeks again and kissed his cheek twice. His lips formed a smile, and he kissed my cheek back. We bid our goodbye, and I walked out the practice room with a smile.

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