c h. 9

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My feet decided to walked away, before he speaks to me. But the luck is not on me, he grabbed my wrist as I walked away. We looked at each other, expressionless. His eyes seems so empty. His face looks so tired and his lips looks so pale.

I... I hurt to see him like this.

He let go of my hand and looked at me with his sad eyes. The feeling when he hold my hand, I can't get enough of it. I just miss the time when we were still together. When we were still loving each other.

" Hey, why are you not talking to me when I call you? " He finally spoke to me, with his cracked voice. He weakly smiled to me, make me more hurt. He used to smile brightly. He used to be so energetic. But one thing he is not losing.

He is still care of me.

" You look more beautiful now." He said and smiled again. The way he looked at me, is still the same. He looked at me with full of love. His eyes soothing me even though it looks so tired.

" I'm sorry. " He said to me, he forced himself to smiled at me because I know, he didn't want me to see him like this. I looked straight into his eyes. I miss him. I really miss him. I miss the time when  we could hug each other when we met. I miss the time when he kissed my forehead before I go to sleep. I miss the time when we could laugh happily. I miss the time when he quietly walked into my house without I know.

I miss everything.

My eyes suddenly feel so warm, a liquid flowing down my cheeks. My lips trembling, wanting to say something but I can't. He suddenly stop smiling, and he looks worry. He pulled me into his warm embrace, and leaned his cheek on my head. I bursted into tears as he hugged me, and my hand wrapped around him tightly.

" I miss you. "

Finally, I got to say what I want to say.

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