Haven't you taken enough from me?

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"Why are you still awake?"

These were the words he used to hear every night.
Sometimes he just wished he could say the truth, but nobody would ever believe him.

"I go to college, remember? I have exams and projects and... could you just leave me alone, please?", he answered to that question with a tired and rough voice, leaving his mother speechless as he kept his eyes down on the book he was reading.

The woman stood there for a few seconds, trying to think about something to say, wanting to remind his son about respect, but instead closing his room's door and walking the long dark corridor, going back to her bedroom. That wasn't the first time she got treated like that by her own son. He was busy and she get that, but she felt that there was something more and the fear of losing him was becoming too real.
When she left his room, Tyler sighed and closed his eyes while rubbing his forehead. He didn't want to treat his mother like that, but it was really hard to fight back the voices inside his head.
He couldn't let her know about the thoughts that were hiding behind his skull.
He couldn't let her know about what was running in the veins under his skin.
She would have never understand.
He closed the book and got up from the chair, suddenly jumping on his bed and almost hugging his pillow. It was cold and Tyler had to admit that he didn't like that. He hated falling asleep, dreaming about things that weren't real but felt like that, even though his dreams were kind of real. He still didn't know how to address them.
As these thoughts flew around his mind, he closed his eyes hoping to sleep well, afterwards opening them and looking around the pitch dark room. There wasn't nothing unusual, everything seemed at its place, but right after he felt that calm sense, something in the dark winked at him making its red eyes look more... bloody.

"You thought I forgot about you? Not today, my friend", the creature said sounding almost threatening. His voice sounded like Tyler's, just more deep and scary.

Tyler slowly sat on his bed, still holding his pillow as if it could protect him.
He knew what was happening.
He knew what he wanted.

"No screaming this time?" he got closer, making Tyler jump a little every time he heard a foot step.

"Go away. You're not real", the boy said, making those words sound not like a statement, but as a pleading.

"So far. But I will be."

Here it goes. This time he was sure, that thing was threatening him and he was tired of that.

"You tried to give me a name today. That makes me real, y'know? You're starting to believe in me, even though I told you many times that I'm inside your head." he paused, looking straight into Tyler's dark brown eyes, making him shiver as the boy looked at those red eyes. "You're fooling yourself, Tyler. Why can't you see it? I'm a part of you, I've always been here since you were a kid... you just couldn't see me. But now I'm here." he grinned at him, sounding happy. Crazily happy.

He's right,

thought Tyler,

I called him Blurryface... it was a mistake, I didn't mean to do it.

"Yes, you did.", answered the creature, now looking dead serious. Tyler didn't like that. He wanted him to stop, he wanted him to go away.

"Why me? There are billions of people in the world, why me?" Tyler asked, feeling water in his eyes but doing his best not to cry. He had to be strong.

"You think I'm the only Blurryface? We are hundreds, thousands..." he got closer and Tyler could feel his cold breath on his skin, "...millions."

His eyes became even more red and Tyler didn't know that was possible. He lowered his gaze, looking at Blurryface's hands and seeing the black that surrounded them.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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Haven't you taken enough from me? // Anathema ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora