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winter // four

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"It's never to late to turn back, you know?"

Kate let out a loud laugh as the two roommates climbed up the stairs in Park Tower East. "It's too late. It is. The next floor is theirs."

"We still can turn back. They haven't seen us yet. I even told them I probably wasn't coming. I said that." 

"Well, you lied." They stepped out onto the fourth floor. "Which one?"

Lena grimaced. "4B."

The two girls padded down the worn out green carpet before coming to a stop in front of 4B, the door with the broken lock and a message board that currently read 'zayn isnt husband material' hanging on the front of it. Before Lena could even react, Kate reached forward and hit the door with her fist.

She smiled brightly down at Lena. "Ha, no turning back now my ass!"

Then the door swung open, revealing a boy with close cropped hair and warm brown eyes, and Lena wondered if good looks were a poor British Uni student thing or an apartment 4B thing. Either way, it wasn't fair and really shouldn't be legal. 

There wasn't much time to think about it, because the boy reached forward and pulled her into a hug that smelled like cinnamon. "Hi, thank you for not expelling my friends. I'm Liam. Come in, come in, and please don't bother Zayn. He's doing origami, so, you know."

Lena didn't know, but followed the boy into the apartment anyways, only to be brought up short. It was absolute chaos in the room. One of the boys from earlier, Louis, was currently dragging a stained couch across the room, while a blonde boy piled beer onto a table. 

The flat was tiny; even calling it a flat felt like a stretch because it looks like one giant room. The kitchen and living room sort of ran together into one giant room with a a sink, cabinents along the wall, and a table on one end. To the left, there's a hallway that led to bathrooms and rooms. 

Harry was standing pigeon-toed against the wall with a bag of Cheetos in his hand, a mischievous twinkle sparkling in his eyes, and a cheeky little smirk pulled over his lips. "Hey, Magdalena!" 

"Uhm, Lena," she corrected, "and this is Kate. My roommate."

His smile grew even wider. "Hello, Kate the Roommate. That rhymes. I like her already."

"Hi," Kate cheered, giving him a small wave. "And you must be Harry?"

"Yes, Harry. And this is Liam, Niall, and Lou." He frowned and looked over his before turning back to them, dropping his voice to a whisper. "I would introduce Zayn, but like, he's doing origami, so you know.

A paper swan flew out of the kitchen and hit the wall beside Harry. "Shut the fuck up, mate," a voice growled. Harry let out a loud burst of laughter and began walking towards where Lena and Kate stood in the doorway, kicking the swan back into the kitchen while he was at it.

He stopped and leaned casually against the wall in front of them, sucking Cheetos dust off of his fingers in a way that probably shouldn't be attractive, because his mouth was coated in orange, but godhis mouth. "Zayn does origami when he's stressed," Harry shrugged, "it's like his thing."

Lena squinted at him. That explained the hundreds of various paper swans and other creatures hanging from the ceiling over the kitchen. "His thing?"

Winter [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now