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winter // three

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The two boys behind Lena were cheating. She knew from the minute the test started. They were practically breathing down her neck as they tried to get a look at her sheet of paper filled with answers, of which every single one was correct.

So, as soon as she finished working out the last problem (which put her in a worse mood, because what the hell was the Invariant Theory?) she stomped out of the building and stood by the door to wait. It didn't take the copy cats long to follow her out with triumphant smiles. 

"You two," she snapped, pointing a finger at the pair. "What the actual fuck?"

The triumphant smiles dropped off their faces in half a heartbeat. The shorter one froze, looked up to his friend with black hair, and said, "Isn't sacrifice really important in your religion?"

Then he took off running, leaving the other boy to stand and gape at her with an open mouth and a calculator in his hand. Lena watched the culprit run away and scoffed. "First of all, why isn't he wearing shoes? And second of all, your friend is an asshole." 

"Uh, yeah, he is," Zayn replied meekly, tucking his chin down into his scarf. "That was very...Louis of him."

"Yeah, are you guys trying to get revenge for the Revolutionary War?"

Zayn squinted at her. "What are you talking about?"

"I've been in London for a month and I swear to god you're all trying to kill me."

"Ehm," he said awkwardly. The pretty boy buried his chin further into his scarf and shifted awkwardly on his heels. "That may because you only deal with British people. Seeing as you live here. Possibly.

Lena scowled at him. "Shut up."

The boy only mumbled something shyly and tried to retreat further into himself. Which was absolutely ridiculous, considering he hadn't had a problem getting into her business when his nose had been practically buried in her test. It was even more ridiculous that the blue-eyed boy was now running back towards them.

He jumped on Zayn's back and nuzzled into the knit red scarf wrapped around his neck, mumbling softly about his feet were going to fall off from hypothermia and how high he was and how he really had no idea what Muslims believed and then, "Zayn, pay attention to me."

"Louis," Zayn groaned, "what the hell?"

The second boy, who currently resembled a koala, let out a soft whine and simply said, "shoes", as if that were the answer to all of the problems the world faced, from the disappearance of the Romanov children to the quickly heating climate. 

The shyer boy seemed to understand it and nuzzled back into his friend. "How did you even forget your shoes?"

"The tacos Haz made. They were good," Louis mumbled. "Big distraction, tacos are." 

Lena threw her hands up in annoyance, because the two eccentric boys (who she wanted to punch in the face and then teach math to) were now bickering about who got the last taco, like she wasn't standing there in the freezing cold waiting for them to be quiet. 

When the boy who hadn't abandoned ship previously (Zack?) pulled a taco with a makeshift bread shell right out of his fucking pocket, she lost it. Lena snatched the food out of his hand and threw it to the concrete, where it joined the ranks of plants growing through the cracks in the sidewalk and cigarette butts. 

Winter [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now