Part One

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Avery POV

 "Okay class, pack up your things. You only have 2 minutes left." Ms. Landslow says. Thank god it was a Friday. It's been a hell of a long week and I am just done. I start to pack my things, and then I see my friend, Ash, walking towards me.

 "Aren't you excited for the party tonight?" She says as she plops herself on top of my desk. "Sorry Ash, I'm not going and I already told you that!" She groans like she was being strangled.

"And yet you never told me why! Are you going to go study? Watch Star Wars?” She teases. Actually I was going to do both. Partying just wasn't my thing; I was always the awkward girl standing in the corner dancing off beat. I look at her with a serious face, meaning that I wasn't in the mood for her begging.

"Avery, come on! You are a senior and you haven't been to one party this year. You are going whether you like it or not." She crosses her arms across her chest and stops her foot, like a five year old. Before I could say anything the bell rang and I practically start run out of the classroom. But before I could really get anywhere Ash grabs me by my bag.

 "Seriously, you are going to this party, you need to start living a little." I sigh, giving her the satisfaction she wanted, "Fine." She squeals in excitement, causing everyone to give us weird looks; which I really didn’t mind because no one really recognized my existence.  I pick up my pace and hurried out of school. I plugged in my headphones and start walking to my car. I see a couple leaning against it while sucking face like their lives depended on it.

 I clear my throat to get their attention but ironically they didn’t even notice. I’m slightly getting irritated because it’s the end of the day and I really just want to get home. “Excuse me,” they turn to me, looking slightly shocked,” Can you please move so I can get to my car!”  The guy holds his hands up in defense and slowly leans away. I push pass them, rushing to get into my car. I slam my door and just sit in relief. What a day. The drive home was peaceful, the same old things I pasted by this morning are still the same. Nothing really changes in the small ass town. I just want to leave sometime, just pack my bags, get all the money I have, and leave without telling anyone. But I have a hectic life trying to get ready for collage and whatnot.

 I pull in my driveway and see my dad’s old beat down car in the driveway. Great, I sigh. What the hell is he doing here anyway? He only comes around when he needs money or some stuff like that. I walk into the house and I hear my parents yelling, like always. I walk into the kitchen but they didn’t really acknowledge that I walked in.

 “Where the fuck is my money? I’ve waited to fucking long Sharon!” He screams in her face like she is nothing. It pisses me off how he talks to her. He has never done anything for this family and he thinks that he can talk to her like she is a piece of shit. No, not today, not on my watch.

 I step in front of my mom and get all up in his face,” Why don’t you fucking leave? God, you always seem to cause so much trouble when you are here. Just… just get out!” He just stands and stares deep in to my eyes. I’ve never been so scared in my life until this moment.  Finally he just walks away not saying a word, but when he reaches the door,” I’ll be back to claim what’s mine.” He says in a roaring low tone that gave me goosebumps. He slams the door shut leaving the whole house silent.

   I turned around to look at mom, whose eyes were extremely wary. “Mom , what did he mean he’s coming back to claim what’s his?” She turned away and started walking to her room. “Just don’t worry about it,” she sighs “I’m going out tonight with a group of friends, so i should be home late tonight. Do you have any plans?” I hesitated to say I am going to the party or not because I wasn’t sure if I was. But why not? Today has been a stressful day already so I need to relax I guess.

  “Um, yeah. Ash invited me to go to a party with her so I decided to go.” I say. She gets a surprised look on her face; looking at me like I was lying. “Oh really? Since when were you a party girl?” She chuckles. I laughed along with her because it’s the truth. “Well I should get going we have a long night planned,” She grabs her purse, keys and kisses me before she leaves,” Have a nice night honey, make sure to lock the house up!” With that said, she was out of the door.

I check my phone to see that I have two unread messages from Ash

ASH! ((: :

I’m so glad you decided to go with me tonight!

ASH! ((: :

I’ll be there to pick you up at 7! Be outside when I get there!

 I looked over at the clock to see it was already 5:45, which barely give me an hour and a half to get ready. I rushed upstairs to take a quick shower. I lightly washed my hair and my body and got out. I decided I was going to curl my hair for tonight because I rarely ever do. While my curler has heating, I went to go pick my outfit. Then I realized that I really didn’t have any partying clothes so I just picked out a pair of black shorts and a “lazy” tank top.


 Jesus, I need to hurry up. I quickly brush out and dry my damp hair, and lazily curl my hair. I put on a little makeup to bring out my light brown eyes. I throw on my clothes and put a pair of white high top converse. I grab my purse and my phone and check myself out in the mirror before I leave my room. I hope tonight doesn’t go bad. I just want to have a good time for once in my life. Maybe even meet an attractive guy, who knows.


Ash should be here any minute. I rush myself out of the house, grabbing everything that I needed and locked the door me. Pling. My phone buzzed and I see that I have a new message

ASH! ((: :

I’ll be there in 10. There’s traffic

 I guess I might as well just wait on the side walk for her. She could be here sooner.

  Suddenly a car pulls up in a black car pulls up. I automatically think It’s Ash.. But I was so wrong. A tall figure in a black hoodie grabs me by shoulder and shoves me in trunk. I tried to fight with all of my might but I just couldn’t. He is way to strong for me. I start kicking and screaming, hoping someone would hear my voice. Then I hear a huge thud on top of the car.

“Be Quiet! I’m going to get your stuff and I will be right back. Don’t try anything because wherever you go, I will find you.” He says in a deep tone. Right then and there I knew these were the last moments of my life I start to cry and pray to god that he would get me out of here alive. But then I hear the words of my dad’s voice echoing in the back of my head “ I’ll be back to claim what’s mine..” Holy shit.. But this guy was way to lean to be my dad.. too tall. Who the hell was this guy and what did he want with me.

I hear footsteps coming towards the car again. The trunk flew open and I froze. This guy had all of my things packed and it looked like he had nothing left nothing behind. “ Go sit in the front seat, and don’t you dare try to run.” He has sort of an accent...British maybe. I slowly got out of the trunk and moved fast like he told me to do. Maybe if I do what he tells me to do he won’t kill me. I hop into the front seat and I just sat staring at my house. This may or may not be the last time I see this house. Another tear sheds from my eye just thinking about this. I should just run… why the fuck am I still here?

The mysterious guy gets into the car only saying, “Buckle your seat belt, we’ll be in here for a while.” I slowly pull the belt over my body and made sure I was secure. Whoever this person is frightens the hell out of me and I’m just going to do whatever he says to keep myself alive.

I looked over at the guy and he wasn't some creepy old man. He looked young, somewhat curly hair, strong jawline. I traveled up to his hands one the streering wheel.. they were humongus. The guy turns and notice that I was looking at him. I turned away quickly, not wanting to cause any troubles.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Just know that." He says softly.

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