Part Two

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Avery POV

  I've been sitting in this car for the past 3 hours but it feels like days. I keep trying my best to not fall asleep because I at least want to see where I am going. ‘Pling’. My phone makes a noise from my bag, and I quickly try to grab it. The guy snaps his head toward me. “Give it to me.” He said in a low tone. I hand it to him and he swiftly turns it off and puts it in his pocket. Now I have no chance of anyone finding me. He makes a sharp turn onto a trail threw a small forest. He’s probably going to dig my grave somewhere out here. Shit... I should have ran when I had the chance.

 We reached our destination. Not a creepy old shack like I thought it would be. It’s a 2-story cabin house with a lake. He pulls the keys out of the car and unbuckles himself.”Don’t move yet, I’ll be back.” He says, and then jumps out of the car. He goes to the trunk to get my bags and walks up to house. Millions of thoughts started to flood into my mind. I tried to calm myself but it just wasn’t working. I’m such a stupid ass for not running. I wouldn’t have to be in this mess in the first place. I pull my legs up to my chest and start to cry, cry like I never have before. Then I look up to see he is coming back to the car. He flings open the car door and just stares at me. I make eye contact with him for a split second then I turn away.

“Why are you crying?” He says. I gave him a dumbfound look. Seriously, is he that clueless? Obviously I’m crying because I’m never going to see any of my family again. I’m crying because he took me away for no apparent reason, I don’t even know who the hell he is. I don’t know how he knows who I am. I sigh and straighten myself in the seat and cross my arms.

“Hurry and get out of the car, it’s dark out here.” He moves out of the way to let me through and shuts the door behind me. I start to take in the scenery around me. It seems pretty peaceful; a place where someone would go to get away from the world.

He opens the door for me and waves his arm telling me to go in. The interior is casual yet elegant. Everything looked like it hasn’t been touched whatsoever. He leads me into the living room and points his finger towards the sofa, “Sit.” Demanding much, I thought to myself. I go the edge of the couch; he follows and sits extremely close to me. I had no room to move over so I had to deal with it. He rested his forearms on his legs and ran his fingers through is hair. He sighed and shifted his body towards me. “You don’t know who I am, do you?”

 I shook my head in response. “I didn’t really expect you to, but I know who are. You’re Avery,” My palms started to sweat and my muscles tensed as he said my name. “What do you want from me?” He did a slight chuckle. He moves down to the floor; right in front of me. He grabs my hand and looks directly into my eyes. Instantly, I pull back because of fear. I don’t want him touching not now, not ever.

“I hope you know, you’re only making this difficult on yourself,” He says in a irritated voice,” You might as well make yourself at home, you’ll be here for a while.” I start to get angry at the fact that this guy thinks he can just talk to me any kind of way. But then again, I can’t fight for myself. I would never stand a chance against him.

“Why don’t you just kill me already?” I mumbled, but I hope that heard me.

He laughed once again. “You think I brought you here to kill you?”

“Why else would you bring me here… To rape me? Keep me in a cage?” I argued.

 He shook his head, “Either way you’re completely wrong. I have no intention of doing any of those things.” He gave me a slight grin while scanning my body. I grunted and put my face in hands. “You will find out later why I brought you here, but until then get up and follow me.” He grabs my hands and pulls me up from the couch. He drags me up the stairs to a bedroom.

“This is your room.” He muttered. I became confused as to why I had my own room. The room is nicely decorated; a cozy feeling. I slowly walked in and looked around to see if there was anything I should be worried about. “I’ll be right down the hallway, if you need anything.”

“Why are treating me like we’ve known each other for a long time? Do you not realize that you just kidnapped me?” I questioned.

“Let’s not put it that way,” he says, “Thing is, I have known you for a very long time. You just don’t know me.” I roll my eyes at him and go to sit on the bed

“Well I guess this is goodnight.” He says and walks towards the door.

“Wait,” He turns and faces me,” Can I at least know your name?”

He gives a slight and lets out a small breath “Harry.” With that said, he walks out of the room and locks the door.

I grab my suitcases from the edge of my bed. It looks like he took my whole room and just shoved into it. I grabbed whatever comfortable clothes I saw and stripped out of clothes I had on. I went to the bathroom that was connected to the room and stared at myself in the mirror. My makeup was ruined from all of my ruthless crying and my hair was a mess. I looked like a train wreck. I washed my face to get rid of the makeup, then finger combed my hair and put it into a ponytail.

I dragged myself into the bed and covered myself. I was exhausted, without a second thought I drifted into a dream.


I start running into the forest, dodging every single tree in my way. I turn around and see that Harry is chasing me, and he is not too far behind. I pick up my pace but it’s still not good enough because he is getting close.

Run Faster.

I trip over a couple branches and fall into a ditch. I look down at my legs to see that one of them has been sliced open by a branch; blood starts to flood from my leg. But this leg will not stop me from getting away from him. I start to crawl with all of the power that I had left it me.

“You really think you could get away so easily?” he chuckles. He grabs me by my hair and starts to drag me into opposite direction.

“Please! Please let me go!” I scream, but it’s no use; he just pulls harder.

He stops at the edge of the lake and turns my body over. He lures over my face and pulls a pocket knife out.

“I hope you’re ready for this.”

“Please,” I choked out.

“Too late,” He jabs the knife into my throat and gives it a twist

“Avery! Wake up, Avery!” I felt someone shaking my body in a urgent matter. I slowly lifted my eyelids to see it was Harry. Frightened by his presences, I move away from him and start to panic.“Get away from me.”I slur. He gives me a confused look and moves closer to me. “I’m not going to hurt you...” He starts to put his arms around and I start to freak out.

“Don’t touch me! Leave me alone.” Tears start to leak from my eyes. Harry looks taken back from my words and backs away from me. “ I was just trying to hel-“

“Well I don’t want your help! I want to go home!”

He stands there and looks at me like I just ripped his heart of his chest. He sighs and clears his throat. “ It’s nine in the morning. I guess I’ll make your breakfast.”

Without another word said, he just left the room.

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