Day 1 Continued / Day 2

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  Harry POV

I start to call Niall, he's probably the only person that could help at this moment. I hope he picks up because I don't know anyone else I could call.



"Yeah, I need your help"

"Yeah man, anything"

"He is after me again."

"He as in Chris?"

"Well who else would it be?"

He sighs into the phone; we sit in silence before he has anything to say.

"Well what do you need me to do?"

"I'm going to need a place to stay because he went to mine to find me... and i need you to help me keep someone safe."  I look over to Avery, who looks extremely worried.

"Okay, whatever. Who do we need to keep safe?"

"I'll explain when I get there." 

With that said I hang up the phone and concentrate on the road; hoping that she wouldn't ask me about anything. I really have to keep her safe right now. If Chris finds out that I have her he would use her, just to get under my skin. I look over to Avery, she is now staring at me; trying to figure out what's wrong. But I'm not going to tell her yet; she's probably going to hate me more than she does now. I just avoid eye contact with her, because if i look at her everything will flood out of me. This honestly shouldn't be happening, why now? I have planned to have her mine for basically, my whole life. I am not going to let this situation ruin it.

 Avery POV

I stare at Harry, who is avoiding every chance to not look at me. At this moment in time, I fear for my life. Harry said that he needed to keep someone safe, obviously the person is me. But he didn’t tell it to whoever he was talking to one the phone. I somewhat feel irritated at the fact that he didn’t, but I shouldn’t really care actually.

I look over my thoughts and go back to the conversation Harry and I were having before we got interrupted. When he told me that stuff, my hate for him lowered a little. Even though I still thought I was a bad idea for him to kidnap me, he really isn’t that bad of a guy. I will admit that he is very attractive, but I’m going to try to keep my feelings to myself. He could turn out to be someone totally different than who he is now.

“Shit,” he says as the car makes a tiny beeping noise.

“What’s the problem?” I ask.

“We have to stop for gas, but we really don’t have time for it.” He groans and makes a turn to the nearest gas station that he saw. He stops the engine and gets out quickly to fill up the tank. I look at him through the window and he looks frustrated… scared.

He opens his door again and grabs money from his wallet, “We need to get snacks because we really don’t have time to be stopping again.” I nod and get out of the car to follow him into the gas station. I went straight to the candy aisle grabbing gummy bears and a Snickers bar. I look over to Harry, who is lost in his mind like always. “You ready?” He asks. I nod in response. He grabs the snacks out of my hand and makes his way over to the check out. He looks at the cashier like had seen a ghost. The cashier just gives him a sneaky grin.

“Well Styles, haven’t seen you around. Where you been?” He says. Harry just stands there without a word to say. “Who’s your friend?” He scans my body with hungry eyes.  Harry grabs me by my arm and pulls me behind him.  “None of your damn business,” He pulls twenty out of his pocket and throws it at the man, “Keep the change.”  We rush out of the store and drive away.

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