Strange happenings

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Sunday 15th February 1972

James walked downstairs in a tired and sloppy manor. He sat down on the three piece sweet sofa. Elizabeth and George entered the room and sat on the sofa as well.
"It's so nice that you have an imagine friend now; you won't be alone a lot of your time now." Says Elizabeth .
"He's not imaginary mother; he told me yesterday when we were playing on the swings." James replied rather frustrated.
"Of course he's not." Said his father, George sarcastically in a way where you try to encourage children but really don't mean it.
"Father, I told you he's not fake, I'm old enough to know you didn't mean that because I'm eight now." He said sharply and more frustrated than before.
He stormed out of the room in a small tantrum because his parents didn't believe him. He started talking and muttering himself in the second living room. The door was shut, but not completely. Elizabeth listened closely and heard James talking, but it was as if he was having a conversation with someone although no one else was in the room or even in the house besides the three of them.
*a couple hours after*
Elizabeth walked back to the first living room to talk to her husband who was still watching his new thirty channel television.
"George, our son has convinced himself that this Johnny is real." She said quite concerned "I think we should talk to him about it, don't you?"
"Only if we must. " George replied, still not bothered about his son and his 'imaginary friend' Johnny "only if we must."
"Yes George we must!" Exclaimed Elizabeth "this boy isn't real, I think our son is going crazy."
Right as she said this she heard the floor boards leading to the second room creak, almost as if someone was trying to sneak out of a near by room. Elizabeth exited the room to see sneaking up the stairs; it looks as if he's trying to get up stairs without being heard, a thought crossed Elizabeth's mind; what if he's done something ? "I'm getting rather annoyed with this child," Elizabeth thought to herself.
"James, where are you going sweetheart ?" Elizabeth asks in a curious manor.
"Just to my room, mother." James replies in a split second, seeming even more suspicious.
"You haven't done anything, have you ?" Responds Elizabeth.
"No, I haven't" James says sharply, "but Johnny has."
Straight after saying this he crawls up the stairs and runs to his room as quickly as possible, what did he mean by Johnny has done something ? Confused and bewildered, Elizabeth walks into the second living room with caution. Not knowing what to expect, she looks around the room. Finding nothing she leaves the room quite puzzled and walks upstairs to ask James what he was talking about. She knocks once, no answer, a second time, no answer. Elizabeth walks into the young boys room, only to find he's not there. The only thing in the room is a horrible smell, kind of like rotting meat; looking around for a while Elizabeth retreats back to the first living room.
"Have you seen James ?" Elizabeth asks George.
"No" The rather large man replied.
"Do you know where he is at least?" Elizabeth says with a patronising voice, realising how little attention George gives his son.
"Haven't seen him since this morning" George responds in an uncaring fashion.
Elizabeth starts to wonder where her increasingly antisocial child has disappeared to.

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