High Infedelity

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High Infedelity

Mikayla had everything going for her; She was a rich Mafia daughter who was to march down the isle as a beautiful bride to who she thought was the love of her life, Mark, a high-ranked, handsome businessman. As it turns out, her father's intimidating power and his father's pushing for him to make his way into a very wealthy family was the only reason he had agreed to marry her.

He did once love her, but that love was lost when he met the true love of his life. He was madly in love with a woman named Topanga who he felt was a better fit as a life partner. She had no money and was not a beautiful dame as he was expected to claim. His love affair was kept secret on fear of what would come if Mikayla knew.

The day of the wedding, Mikayla was putting on her wedding dress when her maid of honor, Hannah, burst into the room with the news of infidelity. She cried her eyes out, swearing to her confidant that she would get what she wanted in the end no matter the cost. In a moment of rage, she burst out the door and went to him threatening to have Topanga killed if he did not end the relationship promptly. He refused to end his only form of happiness he had left in the world. She screamed and cursed at him, causing a tense argument to break out.

Mikayla charged at him with her arms stretched. He grabbed her veil and dropped her out of way, causing her to bump her lip first then bounce the side of her head on the table. She gathered herself and cursed at him once more, threatening and angering him further. In the midst of angry adrenaline, Mark grabbed a lamp and wiped it across her temple. She dropped to the ground, unconscious. He took his fingers and checked her for a pulse.


Mark panicked. He hit himself with the nearest thing he could find: a mirror. About a half an hour later, the best man, Jeff, came running in, frightened by the scene he saw in front of him. The ambulance was promptly called, and Mark and Mikayla were taken to the hospital.

Mark had told the police someone had come in and tried to kill him, but Mikayla tried to save him. After months of investigation and court, an innocent man was convicted of the murder of Mikayla DeVito and the attempted murder of Mark Reynolds.

A year later, Topanga and Mark had wed in a lavish ceremony in the Bahamas. Mark's parents had given him a break and let him marry what they believed to be a replacement of Mikayla. The ceremony was exact to the very detail. Everyone was dressed in white and creams except for this one woman in dark who sat alone facing nothing but the ground. Mark asked Topanga and his parents if they knew this stranger. They said no and suggested he go and see who she was.

He walked over and said, "Hello, ma'am. Do I know you? Or maybe you know my wife Topanga?" He emphasized this new word.

The head rose slowly, showing first signs of streaking mascara and bruises on each side of her temples. Her lip was a tad inflated and her eye was darkened. She solemnly looked at a petrified man. His breath quickened rapidly.

"I know your wife," the woman said grimly, emphasizing the last word.

"M-Mikayla?" Mark stumbled. "H-how are y-you here? I th-thought you w-were d-dead."

She smiled wickedly. "I am dead, silly. And you were the one who killed me."

Mark was panicking. He looked around for help, but everyone was busy laughing and enjoying the day. Topanga and his parents were nowhere in sight. He put his hands in his pockets, looked to the grass that was gradually becoming lifeless, and started to back up casually.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Mikayla quickly shot up and tested him. "Where are you going, my love? To go and see your new wife?"

"We were never married."

"That's because you killed me!" she spat.

He looked at the pale face and gasped. "I-I have to go." He turned and ran for the shack located across the shore filled with meat dripping with blood hanging from the ceiling. He slammed the door behind him, sighed with relief and leaned up against it. He pulled the stringed light on and screamed. He saw from across the room stood Mikayla smirking in anger.

"Think you could get away from me?" she laughed. "I'd like to see you try." He tried to open the door but it seemed to be bolted closed.

"Trying the door? I don't think so."

"What do you want from me?" he asked, looking straight into the same eyes he had damaged two years before. Tears began to fall from his eyes.

"I only want to be with you!" she cried. From the hands behind her back came a lamp. He had seen the lamp before so many times in a court room. "And now we can be together. Forever."

As she stepped closer, he grabbed a hold to the door for dear life. He was hyperventilating. No way was this really happening. She was dead; he knew that for a fact. She could not come back and kill him.

"Please, Mikayla. I don't want to die. Please don't kill me," he pleaded, tears raining from his face.

"Don't you see, my love? If you die, we can be together. Forever." She stepped closer and closer until all that was left was one last scream.

A waiter was sent to fetch more meat to prepare for the guests. What he returned with was no meat but a frightened story. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Topanga came running. Every one of them gasped at the scene.

The sunlight showed Mark lying on the ground next to a lamp with a giant gash on his left temple. Mr. Reynolds pulled the string. When the lights came up, the back wall was seen written in blood and had two simple words: High Infidelity.

A crowd had gathered around the shack suddenly. A weeping bride stood at the front of the crowd, crying for justice. Everyone was gathered by now, even the workers. All was silent besides the tears and yelling of Topanga. Across the shore sat the same woman as before, sipping a glass of red wine, tracing the lines of ruined mascara covering her face.

"Now we'll be together," she said as she took another drink.

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So, I wrote this story for my Drama class' project thing I had to do. It was only supposed to be a one paragraph description of why our makeup character looked the way they did. I, of course, went overboard and wrote a whole story why.

Do tell me what you think.

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