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His own heartbeat is the only thing Garroth can hear, and maybe his dress shoes hustling across the sidewalk.

With his hair done nice and a tux fitted firmly around his body, it's almost impossible to breathe in the freezing air of December. But Garroth has bigger problems on his mind.

She's not dead! She can't be...

Questions race around in his head in a fanatic to be answered, but with the intense light on police cars and the loin cry of an ambulance siren, his face turns pale.

He quickly approaches a man in a large, business man stride. "Detective... what happened here?" Garroth asks in a familiar deep, booming voice.

"See for yourself Dr. Ro'meave," the detective hands him a small note found in the car, but the car window itself grabs Garroth's attention. He slowly weaves his way through all of the emergency workers and leads his eyes to the driver's seat of the car.

Then there it is, the punch of reality. Garroth stumbles backwards at the horrifying sight of her bloody corpse. He collapses in the grass and vomits.

After all he did... he still didn't love her...

He turns his attention to the little note the detective gave him: "I did it."

After everything the little note has seen, the only thing that stains it is Garroth's single tear.

The Ghost That Rides In Our Silent Car. Where stories live. Discover now