Hello Insanity. Perhaps we've meet before? (ON HOLD!)

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     Hey guys! I thought I'd give writing horror a shot... so, here I go. Just so you know, I think horror stories should be full of blood and murder, so murder MIGHT be around every cornor. :) I apologize for the spelling, as always. :) So... enjoy!

     "Abi, will you marry me?" Mike Richardson asked.

     "Oh, of course I will!" Abigail Westerhimmer replied.

     As Mike slipped the ring over her finger, happy tears were shed. Soon, they were to be married in the old church, down Winchester Road. They had a lot to do before the deadline came. Running around, they had people to invite, places to be, dresses and tuxes to be bought. Even the cake had to be just certain way. Everything must be in place. Even the slightest thing going wrong would prevent stress and possibly some jail time for the bride and/or groom.

     Several months went by, and Abi got pregnant. Even though their love wasn't as strong as they expected it to be, they held on, or all hell would break loose. Abi didn't want her baby to grow up without a father, and Mike was crazy about Abi. Hopefully, they would stay faithful and strong.

     Nine months later, Abi gave birth to Lilac Richardson. And everything was peaches and cream. For a while, anyway.


     Sorry it was so short guys! I'll try to post Chp. 2 later tonight, no promises, though. I still have to eat dinner and all that. Hope you enjoyed! Vote, comment, fan, and spread the word! I know it wasn't scary so far, but I'll try to make it better in the next chapter. Ok? And next time, w might have to make a deal! See ya!

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