Chp. 2

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     18 years later:

     Mikes P.O.V.

     I laughed along hardily as Jack made a face. Of course, Lilac just made a disgusted face. "Come on, honey." I said, slapping her back.

     She turns to me and smiled. "Sorry dad. I had a rough day. Sorry."

     "Oh, don't be sorry. It's fine. Sorry for yelling at you."

     She smiled her sweet little smile. She went to the couch and flopped down, next to Courtny and Penelope. Jack and Phil were on the floor, next to me. Abi walked in and sat down next to the girls. I walked over to her and she stood up and hugged me. I felt a cold metal surface bite into my skin. I pulled back and say a golden locket around her neck. I pulled it, and her, towards me.

     "What is this?" I asked in a quit, calm voice.

     "Hello honey. How was work?"

     "What is this?" I asked again, in a slightly louder voice.

     "And how are my little angels?"

     "ANSWER ME! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I shouted, lifting her up by the locket.


     "Dad! Let go! Please, stop!"

     I dropped the locket instantly, and she fell to the floor, gasping for breath. Lilac rushed over to her, and they looked at me with hurt and sadness. I gulped, and rushed to our room. I slammed the door.

     Murmmering over and over to myself, I looked down at my hands. Warm blood was spewed over them.

     Abi's blood.

     Oh,god. What was wrong with me?

     The next morning, we woke up to the sound of Penelopes screams.

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