Chp. 3

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     "Mom! Dad! He's dead! Jack is dead!" sobbed Penelope.

     Mike and Abi rushed out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. A puddle of blood layed on the floor on the way to the kitchen. When they finaly reached the kitchen, they gasped in horror and awe at the sight they saw.  

     Blood smeared the walls, floor, and even the ceiling. Guts spilled over the counter. Fingers and toes were flung all over the room. His legs and arms were hung on the meat hooks, as though they were meat in a butchers shop. And in the middle of the counter, Jacks head sat on a platter, his blood and brain in a bowl next to it.

     Abi fell over, sobbing and clutching her head. Mike yanked her up, and took her back to bed. "NO!" Abi screamed. "I WANT MY BABY! GIVE MY BABY BACK!" She was cracking up, going crazy. When Mike finaly  got Abi to sleep, he spent 5 hours cleaning,carefully takeing photos and preserving the scene. When he slipped into bed, he thought it over.

     Thank god, he thought to himeself. He couldn't really understand why it was Jack and only Jack. Because, you see, they thought this was a one time thing. A burgaler who killed and fled. But they were wrong. So very, very wrong.

     To the murderer, this was a game.

     One down, 6 to go.

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