No more counselling

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P.o.v : Dan Howell

"Fuck you, Tyler" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear, "good morning to you too". Getting out of my bed every day is a struggle and no it's not because I'm lazy or depressed it's because my bed needs me, well that's a lie but why get out of bed if you have a ghost for a friend? They can talk to you all day without them leaving to go sleep or eat, they just chat with you. Sometimes it gets really deep, we talk about the meaning of life and all the big questions, "I smell pancakes" Tyler exclaims "sound's good but how about I get ready to face the outside world" I say with slight amount of fucks, "okay then, you need to shower that hair is greasy, you could make a dish with it not a drop of olive oil needed" for a ghost, he can be really annoying. "Okay, smart ass". I snatch my phone from the bedside table, and with an unsteady grip I tumble into the shower, I would say I'm not a morning person but sunrises always make me feel good, today it was cloudy and grey, like my soul. The water is cold, but I don't mind it'll just make the warm water even better, "so how was your sleep" Tyler says sitting on the toilet and facing the cat, "it was sleep I guess" I say as the smelly goo for hair squeezed out, "I was talking to the cat" well I guess that's awkward "how is pumpkin today anyway "he's good just he kinda wants treats" Tyler being the ghost he is, he can talk to pumpkin, "tell him when I get my breakfast i'll grab some okay?" rubbing the goo slowly into my scalp with the now warm water, my body is thanking me. "Well he's okay with that but no pictures of him when he eats, he doesn't like it okay?" wow my ghost friend cares alot about a cat doesn't he, well they are friends for a reason. That reason is because it's convenient, "okie dokie, artie chokie" I'm nearly done now, just shower gel and then I'm out. "Honey, Pancakes!" my mom shouts from the stairs "Okay, I'm nearly done!" I shout over the sounds of the water dripping, I let my body be rinsed with cold water, I get out towel already wrapped (you learn to do this when a ghost is in the bathroom) I dry and dress, now time for the mirror reveal I turn and see myself, Brown hobbit hair and brown eyes, orange-in-some lights skin, I guess I look okay, I leave with Tyler following me and pumpkin following Tyler. "Finally Son, grab some panks and eat up chum" I head to the kitchen grab the cat treats, "come on pumpkin, treat time!" I let out the amount the cat treats says to give, and wash my hands afterwards. "Ye, thanks dad and mom".

I look around my dad is wearing a suit, that's unusual "what's with the suit dad" turning his head he just smirks and laughs "you'll find out soon" this is what I hate about my dad he always makes my questions into tension, well I love him anyway I guess. "You have counselling Daniel". Oh god, Mr Richardson, he's an asshole. The amount of times he's said I'm crazy and mad is about at least a thousand times, I'm pretty much done with his shit. I shoved the last pancake in my mouth and chewed, "thanks mum I'll go now" I say as I get up from the chair and grab my jacket and open the front door and leave, I like to leave early before counselling I can talk to Tyler for that time, and people watch. The guy who always waters his plants too much is out, watering the plants. I think he has bad eyesight, old age can do that. "So Tyler, how was your time out last night" he always tends to walk out for some fun, he never tells me exactly what he does "it was alright, it was a full moon did you see it? Pumpkin said that means you're going to meet the love of your life, personally I feel like it's meaningless" I think maybe him and pumpkin visited his grave last night, I'm not sure to be honest "okie dokie then" I carry on walking, I guess walking is kinda a sport and if it was I wouldn't be good at it at all. I'm useless with sport and with many other things like life. I need to stop making jokes in my head, one day I'll end up laughing because of it and people already think you're crazy. It's cold the sun is just sitting on the ground, I guess it's not a morning person too, well I'm here that walk was okay I guess. Time for dickhead Mr. Richardson to tell me that I'm crazy and that ghosts aren't real, Walking into this place is like walking into a new place, it's strange and full of people. I don't know if it's the people or the new place that scares me, never mind. I enter anyway with a little bit of dignity, I see a glimpse of a boy with blue eye's I'm not sure if I've seen him somewhere, I must be crazy. I smile, that's funny maybe all the "you're crazy" has made me starting to believe it. "Go on in, he's waiting for you" god time for a good time, I sometimes really hate my sarcasm, "hey, Mr. Richardson" I sit down in the comfy black office chair, there's no windows in this room, and there's no much of anything inside this room, just one picture of Mr. Richardson's children. I'm sure they love him, so maybe he's just bad at dealing with me. "Please Dan I've said this for months now, call me Dave" I didn't like to call him Dave it felt too personal. "Sorry" I look at Tyler, "this is boring" Tyler said, what a twat he is, haha "know what are we doing, oh yes we're doing the science of ghosts, oh wait that doesn't exist, haha" this is why I hate Mr. Richardson "ye clearly" such a good come back Dan wow "anyway who was Tyler you mentioned him to me last week" well ye I have been saying about him for months? "ye he's my friend, ghost friend" he laughs "no way, you really are mad" really how can he be a counselor, "Tyler, do some weird shit to make him scared bro" I say in a quiet whisper, Tyler nods next thing I know all of his desks are open and the stash of adult "entertainment" is pinned on different places in the magazines, showing the most xxx rated things, I think Mr. Richardson screamed, loads of people come running. I laughed and walked out of the office and then the building , I'm not sure how the staff reacted but sure it was probably laughter or horror, both pleasant emotions. Tyler is pissing himself laughing, and I'm struggling to walk, with the amount of strain on my lungs, I can't stop laughing "good one" I say hoarsely. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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