Cut Off

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I couldn't help but notice the colorful papers on the 'help wanted' board posted in the main hall on my way to fifth block. I've been looking for a job for a few weeks now without any luck.

I read the papers.

Intern for some boring company? No. Cashier in a fast food restaurant with months old grease and stale fries? No.

I need something easy and simple. Something like-

A bright yellow paper cut my thoughts short. It read:

Experienced Babysitter Needed.

Tuesdays-Thursdays @3pm- 7pm.

Must be at least 15 years of age.

Place of work: 867 Jefferson St

If interested please call (646)-555-6983

Seems easy enough. What could be so hard? I'm just watching a snot-nosed little brat.

Easy money.

I snatched the paper off of the board and continued to fifth block


I called the number when I got home from school that afternoon. A woman answered.

"Hello"? The woman sounded tired, like she'd just woken up. I got right to the point.

"Good Afternoon ma'am, my name Is Miguel Lahey. I'm calling for the babysitting ad that you put up in the High school", I say happily,

"Yes, of course. Are you interested"?

I started playing with straw basket on the island. How'd I get in the kitchen?

"Yes", I picked up an Apple from the basket, a smirk making it's way to my lips. "I called, didn't I"? I bit into the Apple.

She muttered something on the lines of 'smart ass'

"Good. My address is on the paper. Come by next Tuesday for a proper interview". With that she hung up.

I took another bite of the fruit and threw it away.

I walked to the living room and started my homework.

I was in the middle of a very confusing pre calc question when my dad walked into the living room. He sat at the window, like he always did, staring at our neighbor, Erica Boyd's house.

Everyone knew dad hated Erica. We just didn't know why. He's been trying to make her leave town for Years now. When she'd have friends over, he would call the police and complain about the noise.

"How was school"? He was looking at his phone but the question was directed to me.

"Boring". I looked at the side of his face. "Though I think I found a job".

He signed

My dad hates the fact that I'm trying to work. "Why are you wasting your time working when you don't need to? I give you more money a week than you will ever make a month working at some shabby store". He was still staring at his phone.

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