Selena Smith is starting her junior year of high school. Long black hair tan skin, fit, captain of the Cheer squad, and Volleyball team. On the outside she seems just like your average teenager. What happens when there's a new teacher, and all the g...
I turned my curling iron on, and changed out of my clothes into the ones I had laid out for today. Splashing water on my face being extra careful not to get my bandage wet.
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I then brushed my teeth, and curled my hair in loose curls pulling my bangs into a bow I was satisfied with my hair, and outfit, then started on my makeup. I did a smokey eye, and a deep red lipstick. If this doesn't make him notice me I honestly don't know what will. I walked downstairs, and grabbed a Monster, Amp, and Rockstar out of the refrigerator. I put them all in my back pack poured my coffee in my to go Tumblr, grabbed my phone off the charger, my papers from the hospital, and my purse, then was on my way to school. I wasn't late, but I wasn't early either. I parked, and walked inside then out of nowhere I was hit with a wave of exhaustion. I started walking to the cafeteria where I knew Amanda, and my friends would be. I saw Amanda, and of course she was flirting with Justin again. I rolled my eyes, but walked up to her anyways. I had to get this done no matter if I wanted to deal with Justin or not. Justin saw me, and immediately he tensed up, and gave me a hard look. I ignored him the best I could. As soon as I got close enough I opened my mouth.
"Sel baby where were you last night?" Will asked linking my arm with his, and Mariah the other one.
"Nowhere important." I replied looking straight at Justin as I said it, and he just raised an eyebrow at me. Amanda turned around, and noticed me, but I couldn't say anything to her yet. "Hey Will you know how you always mix my drinks for me?" I asked yawning, and looking at him he nodded his head. "Could you possibly mix these for me?" I asked him opening up my backpack, and taking out the Monster, Amp, and Rockstar.
"Holy shit babe! Are you trying to die?" He asked.
"Please?" I asked in my best baby voice I could muster with being so exhausted.
"Yeah sure babe give me your cup." He said sitting on the other side of Justin to mix it all together Mariah went to observe what he was doing. I then turned back towards Amanda, and she smiled at me.
"The first practice of the season starts tomorrow after school are you excited?" She asked me, and I burst into tears. I reached into my backpack, and took out the papers. Amanda grabbed them, and read them over. She then looked up at me with a sympathetic smile.
"P-please don't rep-place me!" I sobbed.
"Awe honey no one could replace you even if we tried or wanted to, and believe me we don't want to either." She said hugging me. I looked at Justin through the tears, and saw him just sitting there, and he looked over at Will when he saw me looking at him. I wanted to cry harder, but I couldn't. Why was he making me feel like this? It's not like anything is ever going to happen between us or anything. "Look sweetheart it's only going to be for 2 weeks. And you can still come to practice, but you'd just have to sit out, and be a coach with me okay?" She said pulling me away from her so she could look at me. I nodded my head. That was all I could do I knew my voice would fail me. "Alright no one is replacing you!" She said sternly looking me in my eyes.