Chapter 4.

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I felt Bella walking around the bed. She kept walking in a circle, and moving around, trying to get comfortable, but it seemed like no matter what she did she just couldn't.

"Bella." I whispered, she came crawling up to me, and licked my face. I opened my eyes, and saw her wagging her tail, and looking at me. "What?" I asked. She barked, and lifted her paw. "Go outside?" I asked, and she started jumping, and barking. "Stop." I said getting up, and opening the door for her. I checked the time on my phone, and saw it was only 7 in the afternoon, then I heard the TV in the other room, and remembered Justin was still here, but before I could go see if he was awake or not Bella was back at the door ready to come inside I let her inside, and then she ran right out of the room. I put my hoodie on, and walked out of the room going to the room Justin was in when I heard him talking which caused me to stop walking.

"No I don't want no kisses from you." He said. She barked at him. "Really? You don't say." He answered her. She barked again. "Shh, don't wake your mom up." He whispered. She whined. "What?" He asked. She whined some more. "I don't know what you need." He sighed. "I don't speak dog." He replied. I could tell he was getting annoyed. 

"Bella!" I said walking into the room. She turned around barked at me, then turned back around, and licked Justin again. 

"Ahh no. We've been through this already." Justin groaned turning around, and laying face down, so she couldn't lick his face anymore. 

"Bella leave him alone." I said picking her up. Justin turned back around, and Bella barked at him again.

"Come on. I haven't slept at all leave me alone, just this once." He said. 

"You didn't let him sleep?" I asked looking at Bella, and she just licked my face. 

"No." He answered for her I laughed.

"Okay." I said walking over to the door with Bella still in my arms. I walked out of the room, and shut the door so I could put Bella down, and she wouldn't go back in there, and wake him up. I walked downstairs, and into the kitchen. I grabbed two mini bags of chips, and another water for Justin, then brought everything back to him. I sat my bag of chips on the table that Justin wasn't using, and laid his stuff on the table he had his phone and water on. I sat on the other side of the bed, and grabbed the remote from the table on his side.

"Be quiet!" He stated I laughed, and grabbed my phone out of my hoodie pocket, and checked it.

Babe where are you? Will messaged.

No one's seen you since lunch are you okay? Mariah messaged as well. I was going to reply, but Amanda was calling me. I got out of the bed as I answered it.

"Hi Manda!!" I greeted.

"Hey so did you talk to Carly?" She asked.

"Yeah we talked." I replied.

"What happened?" She asked.

"It was the same reason like always." I stated.

"Seriously?" She asked.

"Yep." I replied."

"How come everyone was calling you a badass?" She questioned I smirked.

"Oh just wait till you see her tomorrow, then you'll know." I replied.

"Alrighty then, well I'll let you go sweetie I just wanted to know what you found out." She said.

"Okay Amanda!" I said.

"See you tomorrow." She said.

"Yep see you tomorrow." I said hanging up. "That was your girlfriend." I said he chuckled.

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